66 ~ Sixty-Six

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[W]hen the initial wave of grief subsided, you couldn't shake off the lingering emptiness that gnawed at your insides.

It wasn't a facade you were putting on, nor was it a deliberate attempt to hide your feelings.

It was as if a void had settled within you, leaving you feeling hollow and numb.

His voice, barely above a whisper, broke through the silence, pulling you back to the present moment. "You feeling any better?" he murmured, the vibrations from his chest reverberating against you as you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to bask in his presence a few seconds longer.

Your response was a feeble nod, your body leaning into his for support.

You didn't have the strength to stand on your own anymore. The weight of everything that had transpired weighed heavily on you, both physically and emotionally.

"I'll get you out of here before—" Gojo's words were cut short as you suddenly stiffened, pulling away from him to survey the room.

Something wasn't right.

Your eyes widened in pure horror as you noticed eerie strands of hair, a woman's hair, creeping out from the closet and slowly snaking their way up the walls, as if intent on engulfing the room in darkness.

A sense of dread washed over you, your heart pounding in your chest as you realized the danger lurking in the shadows.

Without a moment's hesitation, you grabbed onto Gojo's hand, your grip tight and desperate.

"We need to leave. Now," you urged, your voice laced with urgency. "There's something here, something sinister."

You could sense it and feel it.

Gojo's expression hardened, his senses alert as he took in the ominous sight before him.

Without another word, he pulled you close, effortlessly lifting you up and tossing you over his left shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Heh, decided to show yourself, huh?" he grumbled, unbinding the white blindfold from his eyes.

In the pitch darkness, his eyes shone like diamonds.

"S-Satoru, what are you—" you started to protest.

"It's just so lovely hearing you call me by my nickname, babe," he muttered casually, and you felt as if you were being lifted off the ground.

Wait? Could he float? How was that even possible?

But there was something else. Something you noticed.

None of the hairs around him, or around both of you, were truly reaching you, as if you were both surrounded by an invisible barrier.

His limitless, you realized. He could manipulate something like that?

Raising his finger, Gojo Satoru pointed upward, his index finger aimed at the sky. A small sphere of red curse energy, about the size of a coin, began to gather at its tip as he declared, "Curse Technique Reversal, Red."

In response, the surroundings exploded into an intense, almost blinding red light, compelling you to shield your eyes with your arm.

The air crackled with energy as Satoru's cursed technique unleashed its destructive power, tearing through your surroundings.

When the light finally subsided and his positive energy dissipated, you opened your eyes to find Satoru standing in open space, the building now reduced to ruin.

"W-what was that?" you asked vacantly, gripping onto his shoulder blade for support as you straightened yourself.

How he was able to hold you with one arm remained a mystery.

Strands of hair that had previously crept through the room now floated in the air, seemingly severed from their source. You extended a finger to touch one out of curiosity, and flashes of a woman's memories crossed your mind—feelings of peculiar desires and wants.

"It's my Curse Technique Reversal, Red," Satoru's voice broke through the haze, drawing your attention to him.

For some reason, a strange feeling of satisfaction washed over you, being in a position where you could look down on the strongest. It made you feel powerful, in control.

But you realized the feelings weren't yours—they were from the curse energy you had absorbed, packed with negative... almost lustful emotions.

When your eyes involuntarily lowered to his lips, your breath hitched, a reaction he noticed. But he didn't dwell on it, his attention drawn by movement from his peripheral vision. His head snapped in that direction.

It was Nanami, who had casually strolled up near the razed area.

"Did you truly have to go all out, Satoru?" the blonde man asked, adjusting his glasses as he observed the scene.

Satoru chuckled as if it were nothing, his free hand moving to his pocket as he began to lower to the ground.

Your mind clouded with thoughts of how cool and hot he looked in that moment, seeing him in a new light.

"This was the only way to protect this princess," he teased, nodding at you and causing your heart to flutter at the endearing nickname.

It almost sounded like he was your knight in shining armor, the one tasked to protect you.

As Gojo Satoru gently lowered you to the ground, your gaze remained fixated on his neck, particularly the Adam's apple that bobbed when he swallowed thickly.

It was a subtle movement, but you couldn't tear your eyes away.

"What about her friend?" Nanami's question made your body stiffen involuntarily, even though your mind was preoccupied with a different issue entirely.

Satoru's eyes lingered on you, a hint of amusement playing at the corners of his lips. "We were too late," he stated matter-of-factly, but to their surprise, you showed no reaction whatsoever.

Nanami's gaze narrowed, scrutinizing your strange behavior. "What's wrong with Y/N?"

"I reckon it's her latent disposition showing its face," Satoru mused, leaning in close until his breath tickled your lips. "Look at me, sweetheart."

You complied, meeting his gaze, and once again, he was right.

Your pupils were dilated, and your mind felt foggy. You had likely absorbed some curse energy, perhaps his own, just like the last time.

"She'll be okay once we get her to Shoko," Satoru assured, unaware that your thoughts were far from what Shoko could help with.

You had a strong urge to strip him naked and lose yourself in him right there in the alleyway, under Nanami's watchful gaze. The thought sent goosebumps across your skin.

"Has this happened before?" Nanami inquired, his expression unreadable.

Satoru simply nodded, a twitch in his brows as he noticed the look you were giving him—an unfamiliar, endearing, and almost seductive gaze.

He had to remind himself that you had just lost a dear friend and needed support, not his crude thoughts.

"She absorbed some of my curse energy once, and she was in a similar state. I suspect she must've absorbed some when I used Red."


"It's a long story," Satoru feigned boredom, subtly intertwining his fingers with yours, sending sparks through your veins and stirring desire between your legs.

You noticed the unusual speed at which you were becoming aroused, but you felt no shame or inhibition. It was as if crude thoughts didn't faze you anymore.

"Let's get the princess out of here, okay?" Satoru suggested, and Nanami simply nodded, observing the tension between you two, but attributing it to the recent traumatic events you had just endured.

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