36 ~ Thirty-Six

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[T]hroughout the three days of your cycle, you'd made a conscious effort to avoid Gojo Satoru, and it seemed he reciprocated the sentiment by not bothering to check in on you.

You were grateful for the peace and quiet.

Shoko and Nanami had been kind enough to visit you a few times, with Nanami even bringing you some books to help pass the time during your illness.

But today, feeling restless and bored despite your attempts at various hobbies, you'd decided to send a message to Kiyotaka Ijichi.

Your request was simple: ingredients to bake some cream puffs. Partly for yourself and partly as thank-you gifts for those who had helped you during your sickness.

And so, on this particular afternoon, you found yourself watching the students train.

Yuta, still catching his breath from Maki's intense training, noticed your presence and approached you.

"L/N-san, feeling any better?" he asked politely, genuine concern in his voice. "Gojo-Sensei mentioned you weren't feeling well."

You nodded, feeling a bit better now that you were out and about. "Yeah, I'm okay now. Thanks for asking," you replied courteously.

"Thank goodness," Yuta responded with a gentle smile. "I was worried after what happened in Tokyo, with that curse."

"Salmon," Toge added cryptically, as he noticed you nearby.

In your right hand, you held a wrapped box of delicacies, brought especially for them as a token of gratitude for saving you back then.

"Well, that was pretty reckless," Maki commented matter-of-factly as she joined the conversation.

"My bad," you admitted calmly. "Didn't mean to cause trouble."

"As long as everything's well, there's nothing to worry about," Panda reassured, his calm demeanor adding to the group dynamic.

With all four students gathered around you, just as you had hoped, you decided to unveil your surprise gift.

"I got you all something," you announced, drawing their attention. "As a thank you and an apology for causing you all trouble."

"A-ah, you shouldn't have," Yuta waved off your gesture modestly.

A smirk tugged at your lips as you unveiled the box, revealing your homemade treats. "These are my signature strawberry and cream-cheese-filled cream puffs. I baked them myself, so I'm not sure if they'll be to your tastes."

The students, their interest piqued by your offering, inspected the treats with gleaming eyes.

Toge wasted no time in being the first to sample, his expression contemplative as he took a bite.

As he savored the taste, you watched his eyes widen with delight.

"I'm guessing you like it," you remarked gently, receiving a nod in response.

"Salmon," Toge chimed, prompting the others to follow suit.

Yuta and Maki sampled the cream puffs next, their expressions betraying their enjoyment.

Finally, Panda eagerly grabbed one, devouring it in a single bite.

"Thank you, L/N-san," Yuta expressed his gratitude, to which you simply nodded, inwardly grateful to have brought them a moment of happiness amidst their rigorous training.

Just as you were about to ask something, a familiar voice, dripping with a mix of goofiness and cockiness, interrupted, "Hey there, my favorite little troublemakers! Did you start missing me as soon as I left?"

Your body tensed at the sound of his voice.

You had hoped to avoid encountering him, but fate seemed to have other plans as Gojo Satoru descended the stairs to join you all.

He couldn't help but notice your presence, his eyes lingering for a moment longer, perhaps intrigued by your improved condition.

"Ah, looks like the gang's all here! Did you all finish training?" He asked casually.

"Y-yeah. Just finished," Yuta replied honestly. "Besides, L/N-san got us some cream puffs. So we were having those."

At the mention of dessert, the white-haired sorcerer's interest was immediately piqued.. "Cream puffs?"

"Yes," Panda chimed in, while Maki simply turned her back to Gojo, clearly uninterested in his presence.

With a playful grin directed at you, Gojo leaned in slightly. "Hey, hey, Y/N, I'm feeling a bit neglected over here. Where's my share?"

You rolled your eyes at his playful antics, shutting the box of cream puffs.

Disregarding him, you reached out and patted Toge on the head. "You doing okay, Toge-kun? How's your throat holding up?" you asked, genuinely concerned.

"Salmon." The boy responded with a nod.

Yuta immediately tensed, noticing your deliberate avoidance of Gojo.

It was evident that you were purposefully acting as if he didn't exist.

"You're not still mad about that, are you? I thought we were past it," Gojo whined, leaning too close for comfort.

His obliviousness to your discomfort was almost infuriating, especially with his tantalizing scent filling the air.

"Gojo Satoru, space," you groaned, attempting to push him away, but he remained stubbornly close.

With a sigh, you took a step back, trying to keep your frustration in check. "You're such a bother."

He ignored your annoyance, his grin widening as he persisted, "But you're missing out on some quality Gojo time!"

"Wow, what a tragedy. I think I'll pass on the 'quality Gojo time'," you retorted sarcastically, not giving in to his antics.

Undeterred, Gojo continued, "Fair enough! But just know, the offer stands whenever you're ready to have some real fun."

Rolling your eyes, you replied, "Thanks, but I think I'll stick to watching paint dry for now."

After a brief pause, Gojo whined once more, "Come on, Y/N-chan, I promise I won't eat them all in one bite... Well, maybe just one."

"Maybe if you stop playing pranks on me for a week, I'll consider giving you one," you countered, testing his resolve.

"Deal," he agreed eagerly, unable to resist the temptation of dessert.

With a winning smirk, you finally relented, opening the box and letting him have one cream puff.

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