67 ~ Sixty-Seven

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[H]ours later, you were still in a trance, seated in the backseat of the car, sipping on a cup of coffee handed to you by Ijichi.

Your gaze remained fixed on Gojo Satoru, who was in action, speaking to officers and likely briefing them on the situation.

He could feel the intensity of your gaze burning into him, but he feigned busyness, masking his own desires beneath a facade of concentration. The last thing he needed was to give in to the urge to grab you by the chin and demand to know why you were fixated on him as if you desired him with every fiber of your being.

Meanwhile, the area had been sealed off with yellow tape to prevent trespassers, while a team of officers meticulously combed through the ruined premises.

Leaning against the open car door, you watched Satoru closely, your foot idly tapping against the pavement below.

Suddenly, Nanami's voice broke through your thoughts, his presence materializing beside you without warning. "How are you feeling, Y/N?" he inquired.

You tore your gaze from Satoru momentarily to address Nanami. "I'm not sure," you admitted, taking another sip of your coffee.

Nanami sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Your latent disposition is quite—"

"Bothersome?" you supplied, your attention already drifting back to Satoru as he approached.

"No, more like worrisome."

You furrowed your brow, about to question Nanami further when another car pulled up nearby. A woman with brown hair, heavily pregnant, emerged from the car.

"Yuki-san," you recognized her, your heart sinking as you saw the sadness in her eyes.

She hesitated, her eyes scanning the area before mustering the courage to approach the bag containing Shinji's body. However, her attempts were thwarted by the police officers who blocked her path, refusing to let her near.

Desperate, she tried to put up a fight, tears streaming down her face, but her efforts were in vain. It wasn't until her gaze landed on you that she seemed to find a target for her anguish.

Rising from your seat and setting aside the now empty paper-cup, you moved to offer words of comfort, but before you could utter a single syllable, she closed the distance between you and delivered a stinging slap across your face.

The force of the blow sent your head recoiling to the side, leaving a sharp sting in its wake.

Before she could land another blow, Satoru swiftly stepped between you, his playful demeanor masking a subtle threat. "Now now, lady, let's not resort to violence," he chided gently, though his tone held a hint of warning.

Your gaze remained locked on Satoru's back, completely consumed by his presence. Hints of a peculiar, almost magnetic attraction flickered in your eyes as you struggled to divert your focus to the unfolding situation.

Satoru seemed to have noticed, casting you a heavy look packed with dark emotions from over his shoulder.

His mesmerizing gaze met yours, tension rippling through his body as he took in your lingering stare.

It was as if you were both odd misfits in the grim atmosphere, openly desiring each other amidst the sadness and death that surrounded you.

"You had to go on and rub your curse self on him, huh?" Yuki's accusation sliced through the air, her voice sharp with bitterness.

Both you and Satoru were momentarily snapped out of your trance-like states.

Her accusations directed at you drew your attention briefly, but your focus soon returned to Satoru, unperturbed by her words.

"What do you mean?" you responded, your tone laced with indifference and a hint of sass. "I don't have a hobby of cursing people, unfortunately. And as much as I'd like to take credit for this mess, it's simply not the truth. I can't save everyone, you know."

Satoru and Nanami exchanged shocked expressions at your cold response. It was a side of you they hadn't expected to see. Even Yuki, Shinji's wife, blinked at you with dismay, her eyes soon welling up with tears as she leaned against you.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry," she cried, clinging to your clothes. But you remained unfazed, offering her minimal comfort with your detached words.

"It's okay," you reassured her in a monotone voice. "You're not the first one to accuse me of something I had little control over. But try not to dwell on it too much."

Despite your harsh demeanor, Yuki seemed to find comfort in your words, her body stiffening against you.

Nanami's concerned voice interrupted the tense moment. "Y/N, I think you're not well either."

Satoru nodded in agreement. "Let's get you both out of here, hm?"

Meeting Satoru's gaze once more, you considered his suggestion before nodding slowly. "Okay."

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