23 ~ Twenty-Three

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[T]here was a deliberate reason behind selecting this particular establishment.

Ichiran was famed for its secluded booths, promising a tranquil dining atmosphere, or so you thought.

To your dismay, Gojo Satoru, the white-haired troublemaker, claimed the seat next to you, bombarding you with relentless questions throughout your meal.

"Baka Gojo, how did you even manage to eat with all your chatter?" Maki quipped as the group exited the restaurant.

Your shoulders tensed and you shuddered at the memory of Gojo's disruptions. "Please, let's not dwell on that."

Gojo, undeterred, interjected with a teasing tone, "Come on, Y/N! Bet you loved the attention."

Ignoring his jests, your gaze shifted to the missing posters nearby, a sobering reminder of the dangers lurking in this world.

"Leave her alone, Gojo Satoru," Nanami intervened sternly, earning a mock pout from the ever-playful sorcerer.

With the distraction resolved, you turned to Nanami. "Where did Kiyotaka-san and Nitta-San park?"

"They found a spot further down the street. We'll need to walk," Nanami informed.

"No problem," you replied, ready to proceed.

"Hey, hey, Y/N. Don't forget about me!" Gojo's voice called out from the background, his tone playful and attention-seeking.

Despite his persistent attempts to grab your attention, you redirected your focus to the small group of students.

"Shall we head out then?"

"Okay." Maki replied and the rest nodded in agreement, Nanami led the way down the streets, with Gojo Satoru trailing behind, occasionally stopping to tease you or make playful comments.

At one point, you paused in front of a boutique window, drawn to a particular dress on display. Gojo, always the opportunist, seized the chance to tease you further.

"What are you looking at?" he asked, leaning in close enough that you could feel his tantalizing breath on your skin. "If there's something you like, just let me know. I'll buy it for you."

"Iie ('No')," you replied firmly, declining his offer with a shake of your head. You never knew what to expect from him anyway.

Meanwhile, Yuta's voice caught all of your attentions as he pointed out a small panda keychain that resembled Panda himself. "Looks just like Panda," Yuta remarked.

Gojo's interest was piqued as he took a step closer to examine it, while all of his students gathered around the area to give it a glance.

"We should totally get it for Panda," he suggested eagerly.

"Should we?" Yuta pondered aloud.

"Yeah, I bet he'd love it."

"No thanks," Panda declined curtly, his tone firm and decisive. "I'm okay with being the only Panda at Jujutsu High."

"But look, it's so cute. Almost like your twin brother," Gojo reasoned, his playful demeanor evident.

"Still no," Panda insisted firmly, crossing his arms in defiance.

"I swear, Satoru, you can be the worst sometimes," Nanami sighed in resignation, his expression conveying both annoyance and a hint of amusement.

You observed the small group, feeling a small smile form on your lips.

It was one of the rare peaceful moments you'd had ever since the death of your brother. Somehow, you felt like you had none other than a special white-haired sorcerer to thank for that, you realized.

But not yet. You didn't want to inflate his already big ego.

As you observed them lost in a trance, a cold breeze passed by, causing you to shudder involuntarily as it shuffled the edge of your dark blue coat.

You knew that feeling all too well—the unsettling sensation that crawled up your spine, warning of something amiss. Slowly, you turned, your gaze scanning the moderately crowded street until it settled on something or... someone.

A small girl stood across the street, her presence eerie and foreboding. She was barefoot, clad in a tattered pink dress that fluttered in the breeze. Clutched tightly in her hand was a teddy bear plush, its once comforting appearance now twisted into something unsettling.

But it was her gaze that chilled you to the bone. Her eyes, devoid of life, locked onto yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.

As she parted her lips to speak, a sense of dread washed over you. The sight that greeted you was enough to make your blood run cold—the inside of her mouth, black as the darkest night, like an abyss staring back at you.

"Help. Us." The words escaped her lips in a whispered plea, barely audible yet echoing as mere whispers on the wind.

Each repetition sent a wave of unease crashing over you, the urgency in her voice resonating with an otherworldly desperation.

For a fleeting moment, you glanced back at your companions, but they remained oblivious, lost in their banter and laughter, ringing out in stark contrast to the eerie stillness that surrounded you.

With a trembling hand, you took a step forward, the plastic bag of sweets slipping from your grasp as you crossed the street.

Every fiber of your being screamed at you to turn back, but you couldn't ignore the pull of curiosity and concern that drew you closer as you followed the mysterious child into the dimly lit alleyway.

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