29 ~ Twenty-Nine

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[Y]ou struggled to stir, your body weighed down as if encased in lead.

Every inch of your skin prickled with hypersensitivity, your clothing feeling like barbed wire against your flesh.

Limbs devoid of sensation, you couldn't even manage to twitch a finger, your mind hovering between consciousness and oblivion.

Opening your eyes to assess your condition seemed an impossible feat, the effort too daunting.

The agony was relentless, a crushing weight bearing down on you. Time lost meaning in the haze of pain, leaving you adrift in an endless abyss.

"Y/N?" A familiar voice broke through the fog, the creak of a door heralding their entrance. But your parched throat rendered any response impossible, your mind swimming in exhaustion. "Come on, sleepy head. Look what I brought you."

Footsteps shuffled closer, accompanied by rustling in the vicinity, yet you remained immobile.

Then, abruptly, the blanket was whisked away, exposing you to a sudden rush of cold air that sent shivers down your spine.

A gasp pierced the silence, followed by the thud of a plastic bag hitting the ground nearby and the dip of the bed beside you.

"Babe, wake up," his voice softened with concern as he attempted to rouse you gently. But you remained unresponsive. "Shit, you seemed fine last night. Where did all this blood come from?"

His words washed over you like a distant murmur, the fog in your mind refusing to lift.

You struggled to piece together the events leading to your current state, but they eluded you like scattered puzzle pieces.

With a sigh, he shifted closer, his touch gentle as he brushed a strand of hair from your clammy forehead. "Come on, Y/N. Don't scare me like this."

Despite his coaxing, your consciousness remained tethered to the void, the pain too overwhelming to allow entry to the waking world.

Concern etched lines on his face as he hovered over you, searching for any sign of response. "I'll call for help," he muttered to himself as he reached for his phone.

Gojo Satoru anxiously tapped his fingers against his phone as he waited for someone to answer the call. After the third beep, a groggy voice finally picked up on the other end.

"Yo, Satoru? Why the wake-up call?" the voice groaned.

"Shoko? I need your help," Gojo's voice lacked its usual playful tone, sounding more urgent.

"Ah, Satoru, couldn't this have waited till after my beauty sleep?" Shoko's response was laced with a hint of irritation at being disturbed this early in the morning.

"I'm afraid this can't wait. Can you get here quick? Something's up with Y/N"

"What's wrong with her?" Shoko's tone shifted instantly from annoyance to genuine concern, mirroring Gojo's urgency.

"I'm not sure. She was fine last night, but this morning, she's bleeding... a lot," Gojo explained, he sounded almost desperate. "And she's down with a real bad fever too. Can you come over?"

"I'll be there soon," Shoko's response was prompt and reassuring before the call ended.

Gojo Satoru let out a heavy sigh, his brows furrowing with concern as he assessed your condition.

Gently, he brushed his fingers across your forehead, sensing the heat radiating from your skin. A flicker of worry crossed his face as he pondered what could be wrong.

Heading to the bathroom, he grabbed a nearby towel and soaked it in cold water. Returning to your side, he awkwardly placed the cool cloth on your forehead, his actions betraying his lack of experience in caretaking.

Minutes dragged on like eternity as Gojo Satoru waited for help to arrive, each passing second heavy with uncertainty.

Finally, the sound of hurried footsteps broke the silence, signaling the arrival of Shoko Ieiri, a trusted ally and skilled healer.

"Satoru, how is she?" Shoko's voice sliced through the tension as she rushed into the room, her eyes scanning the surroundings before landing on you.

"Not good, as you can see," Gojo admitted, his tone serious.

Shoko nodded, her expression grim as she swiftly moved to your side, her hands glowing with healing energy.

With practiced precision, she began her examination, her brow furrowing deeper with concern at what she discovered.

Suddenly, she straightened, her gaze fixing on Gojo with a mixture of disbelief and irritation. Without warning, she attempted to smack him, but her hand collided with an invisible barrier, causing her to grimace in pain.

"You idiot," she muttered, nursing her hand. "She's on her period."

Gojo blinked, momentarily taken aback by the revelation, his mind slightly unable to processed her words correctly. "Oh..."

"I said, SHE. IS. ON. HER. PERIOD," Shoko emphasized each word deliberately.

When the meaning finally sank in, Gojo's cheeks flushed slightly as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Oops, my bad."

Rolling her eyes, Shoko couldn't help but smirk. "Well, now that we've cleared that up, let's get her sorted out."

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