76 ~ Seventy-Six

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[H]e wasn't kidding when he claimed he'd rocked your world.

You watched as he withdrew, disposing of the last condom before his piercing blue eyes returned to you.

Your own gaze was glazed over, your mind blissfully fogged from the mind-blowing sex.

You looked thoroughly ravished, and he knew it. A smirk tugged at his lips as he surveyed you, the lust in his eyes momentarily subdued. "You seem tired," he remarked casually.

You rolled your eyes at him, the thought crossing your mind that he was the reason for your exhaustion.

Satoru Gojo wasn't one to settle for just a round or two. You'd quickly learned that his minimum was five, and anything less meant he was just getting started. Last night and today were proof of that.

"I'll grab us some food so you can recharge," he offered, his tone surprisingly considerate. "Sound good?"

You couldn't help but smirk in return, knowing full well that his idea of "resting" involved more than just sleep. But you nodded nonetheless, grateful for the chance to catch your breath before another set of rounds.

He slid off the bed, tucking the blanket around you with care before leaning in to place a gentle kiss on your sweaty forehead.

You watched as his naked self made his way to the bathroom once again, the sound of running water filling the room. He was probably cleaning himself up for the day ahead, leaving you lying there spent on the bed, still trying to catch your breath.

As you struggled to keep your eyes open, the door to the bathroom creaked open, jolting you from the haze that threatened to overwhelm you.

He returned to the bed, wrapped in nothing but a towel while pressing a tender kiss to your lips before murmuring, "Sleep if you need to. I'll wake you up when the food arrives."

His words washed over you in a soothing wave, the promise of rest lulling you into a state of relaxation. With a weak nod, you allowed your eyelids to droop, drifting closer to sleep with each passing moment.

You felt him rise from the bed, the soft thud of his footsteps signaling his way to what you assumed was his closet. These were the last sensations you experienced before succumbing to the blissful embrace of slumber.


"Y/N? Wake up, baby. Food's here," Gojo Satoru's voice stirred you from the depths of sleep.

You whined softly, still half-asleep. "Let me sleep," you mumbled, your voice husky and heavy with exhaustion.

"I know, I know, babe," he chuckled, the sound of his laughter like a soothing melody in your ears. You wrapped your arms around his waist, your head finding a comfortable spot on his lap as you shifted onto your front.

His scent enveloped you, intoxicating and familiar, and you nuzzled lazily against his thigh, feeling the muscles beneath his skin tense slightly at your touch.

"Babe, what are you doing?" There was a hint of amusement in his voice as he reached down to stroke your hair gently.

You let out a soft moan, enjoying the sensation of being pampered by him. "You're being naughty," he teased, his voice low and playful. "If you don't behave, there'll be consequences."

Despite your drowsy state, you couldn't help but smirk, knowing full well that he enjoyed your playful antics just as much as you did.

Satoru leaned in, peppering your cheek with gentle kisses. "Wake up, babe. I had Ijichi bring us a little treat."

You cracked open an eye, meeting his gaze with a hint of curiosity. He had definitely managed to pique your interest.

"What is it?" you inquired, attempting to sit up, but his hands guided you onto your knees on the bed. The covers slipped down to your waist, revealing your naked form adorned with love bites and bruises from his firm grips.

Satoru's breath caught as he leaned closer, murmuring against your lips, "You look absolutely irresistible right now. Makes me want to devour you."

A shiver ran down your spine at his words. Though the idea was tempting, you were too exhausted to entertain it further.

He seemed to sense your reluctance as his lips trailed along your jawline. "Let's get you something to eat, hm? You need to replenish your energy, and we should have a little chat."

Dread crept into your mind.

Was this the moment he would announce the end of your escapade and return to more serious matters?

But Satoru's embrace offered reassurance. "If it were up to me, I'd keep you in bed all day," he confessed.

You sighed, inhaling his scent deeply. "What treat did you bring?" you asked, attempting to change the subject.

He chuckled, the sound like music to your ears. "Kikifukus, dango, and chocolate fudge. Figured you'd enjoy the variety."

"Sounds amazing," you murmured, planting a kiss on his neck. "Already craving it."

"Is your throat still sore like last time?" he inquired, his tone gentle.

You tensed momentarily but shook your head, avoiding the topic for now.

"No," you admitted. "This time, it was more... related to our activities."

"Is that so?" Satoru kissed your forehead, lingering for a moment before reluctantly pulling away to fetch something for you to wear.

As he began to rise, you grabbed his sleeve, your gaze locking onto his. "Where are you going?"

Satoru sighed heavily, his finger loosening the white bind of his blindfold to reveal one of his mesmerizing eyes. "Babe," he breathed, his gaze burning into yours. "If I don't find you something to wear right now, I might lose control."

You reluctantly let go of Satoru's sleeve, watching as he disappeared into his closet.

Moments later, he emerged with one of his shirts and a package that looked rather expensive.

"What's that?" you asked, eyeing him suspiciously as he handed you the package and the shirt.

"Open it and see for yourself, babe," he urged, a mischievous glint in his eye.

You cautiously opened the package to reveal exquisitely smooth and high-quality black underwear.

"When did you get these?" you inquired, slightly surprised by the unexpected gift.

Satoru shrugged casually. "Before our little... disagreement about the boy," he informed you, though the truth was he had picked them out for you long before, after admiring your collection of sexy lace underwear. He didn't want to come off as too forward, even though he couldn't deny his inner desires.

You pondered for a moment before deciding, "Let me just take a shower first."

"Sure thing," he nodded in agreement, considering it a wise decision. He approached you again, a playful smirk on his lips. "Can you walk?"

"I'm not sure, haven't tried," you admitted, earning a chuckle from him.

He scooped you up effortlessly, guiding you back into the bathroom where everything was miraculously cleaned up—most likely his doing.

He set you down on the edge of the bathtub before disappearing momentarily, returning with a small stool. Memories of your previous encounters on that stool flooded your mind, causing a blush to creep onto your cheeks as you averted your gaze.

"Relax, I'll only help you shower," he reassured you, sensing your unease.

"Promise?" you asked, a hint of uncertainty in your voice.

"Cross my heart," he relented, though reluctantly.

As much as he yearned to lose himself in you again, he knew you needed time to recover from the whirlwind of passion you had shared in less than 24 hours.

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