45 ~ Forty-Five

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[E]choing knocks reverberated through the silent hallway as you stood outside Gojo Satoru's door, waiting for any sign of life.

After a couple of minutes, silence remained your only response.

Quietly cursing yourself for not confirming the meeting time, you found yourself at his study room at eight in the evening, debating whether to stay or leave.

Ultimately, you decided to cautiously nudge the door open and peek inside.

As expected, Gojo Satoru was there, seated in his opulent chair, arms casually crossed over his lap. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest indicated that he was sound asleep, head slightly tilted forward.

Should you disturb his slumber or retreat and return later?

Your attention was drawn to the two paper bags on the table, bearing the name "Kikusuian."

Probably the shop where he likely ordered his kikufukus.

With a hesitant step, you entered the room, inexplicably drawn towards the sleeping sorcerer.

"Hmm, how serene," you mused aloud, halting a step away from him, your hands extending forward.

Testing the air, you sought out the presence of his invisible barriers. When your hands met an unseen force, causing ripples like water, your suspicions were confirmed.

"Interesting," you remarked softly. "Seems like I was right on several accounts today."

Your words hung in the air, your gaze fixated on his blindfold.

If only there were no barriers, you could satisfy your curiosity with a simple peek. The thought lingered as the barrier briskly dissipated, catching you off guard and sending you tumbling forward.

Instinctively, you caught yourself on his chair, the proximity to his face sending a jolt through you. His breath danced tantalizingly close to your lips.

From this close, his features were strikingly handsome, and the realization only added to the intensity of the moment.

Your breath slightly hitched as you found yourself drawn to his blindfolded gaze, the question lingering on your lips.

"Are you truly blind, Gojo Satoru?"

"How about taking off the blindfold and seeing for yourself?" His voice, low and enticing, broke the silence, catching you off guard.

He wasn't asleep? What a sly move.

You resisted the urge to retaliate, though the thought of kicking him in the shin crossed your mind.

Before you could react, his hand darted out, seizing your wrist firmly, preventing your escape.

"Enjoying the view while I was dozing off, Y/N?" His tone held a playful edge, tinged with a hint of amusement.

Damn, even in his drowsy state, his voice oozed charm and confidence.

"If you were awake, why didn't you let me know?" you shot back, attempting to break free from his grasp.

He tightened his hold, pulling you closer. As you stumbled, nearly colliding with him, he leaned in, his warm breath brushing against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.

"Because it's more entertaining this way."

"Gojo Satoru, I'm not here for your games," you retorted, meeting his blindfolded gaze with a fierce glare.

He sighed deeply, his tone heavy with something you couldn't quite place.

"If you don't want to play, I won't push it. But is that really what you want, Y/N?"

Your throat tightened, unsure how to respond, especially with him so close.

"Quit messing with my head, Gojo Satoru. I've had enough."

He nodded slowly, a hint of amusement playing on his lips. "And?"

"Was it entertaining for you to deceive me about your blindness?" Your words dripped with coldness.

"I never claimed to be blind."

"Don't twist things, you jerk."

"Y/N," he breathed your name with such weight that it stir your nether region, distracting you momentarily from the tension between you.

"I never said I was blind. You assumed it," he clarified, his voice surprisingly calm. "Though I wear a blindfold, I rely on my extrasensory abilities for everyday tasks. Technically, I never lied."

He had a point, but it still felt like he was playing with you, toying with your emotions.

You cursed yourself for even entertaining the idea of trusting him.

"Guess I was naive," you admitted bitterly, attempting to pull away, but his grip remained firm.

"What was that?"

"I was foolish to trust you," you stated firmly, your tone tinged with a hint of irritation.

His expression softened slightly as he spoke. "Y/N, you know I never meant to hurt you," he said softly, the playful tone in his voice replaced by a more sincere one.

You scoffed, "Yeah, right!"

He released your wrist, his lips contorted into a fond smile. "Take it off."

Your eyes widened in mild stupor. "W-what?"

"The blindfold, what else, um?" Gojo teased, a hint of mischief returning to his voice.

You felt a sudden surge of heat rise within you at the hidden implication of his words.

Unable to tear your gaze away from the white cloth that obscured his eyes, you hesitated, your heart pounding in your chest.

The air between you crackled with anticipation, a silent challenge passing between you.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, you reached out towards his blindfold, your fingertips grazing the fabric lightly. His breath hitched slightly as your hands hovered near his face.

Your fingers trembled with anticipation as you dared to peel away the cloth, revealing the captivating crystal blue eyes that lay beneath.

A gasp breached your lips.

Time seemed to stand still as you gazed into his eyes, lost in the depths of his gaze.

In that moment, all the barriers between you melted away, leaving only the raw, unbridled desire that burned between you. And as you leaned in closer, drawn irresistibly to him, you couldn't help but whisper, "Pretty."

His amused chuckle filled the room, sending a thrill through you as you savored the electric tension that hung between you.

Bound In Love's Curse [Gojo Satoru x Female Readers]Where stories live. Discover now