Ch. 166/169 - The Defensive Battle at Command

Start from the beginning

They did not know what changes that word would bring to the Empire but there was one thing that they were sure of, the Empire needed to survive these turbulent times and adapt to these changes that they had never experienced before. The scholars speculated that the people that they hailed as 'heroes' would be at the center of these changes. The problem was that these heroes did not pay any attention to the Center.

However, these were things that Iron did not need to pay attention to. He went to the Sky Tower under the watchful eyes of the crowd and climbed on top of a drake.

The crowd looked at the departing drake with disappointment as it moved outside the capital. However, no one could stop him from leaving because he would go out to protect the Empire.

Contrary to their disappointment, the young ones' eyes were burning with passion. Some of them dreamed of becoming a person like Iron while some gritted their teeth in hopes of following the young hero who became the commander of a field army at the young age of 20. This passion gradually spread and even affected the hearts of middle-aged people. The young hero had already achieved everything but he still stood up to fight hard for the Empire, so they couldn't stay still like this. Because of this, the citizens of the Empire often gathered for discussions as they talked about the antagonistic and wrong system of the Empire.

The young hero was the spark that burned the fire of the word 'revolution'.

Perhaps this was the birth of the spark of revolution that would overturn the Empire in the near future.

However, the person who lit the fuse of this spark was busy struggling as he put his entire focus solely on the Southeast. He did not even pay any attention to the capital.

"Oh... Co... Commander."


Iron was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the trembling voice of the Drake Knight.

"What's the matter?"

"That... Is someone aiming for us?"

Iron tilted his head at the knight's question.

"None at all?"

"But why are they summoned?"

The Drake Knight was talking about the huge birds that followed along with the drake that carried them. The drake was actually terrified of their presence and kept on shrinking on itself. Even though they were not threatening the drake, the mere presence of these gigantic birds was enough to scare the drake senseless. The drake almost fell down because of them.


Iron felt apologetic, he was only able to notice only after the drake knight had informed him.

"Guys, fly a bit further from me."

― Bbiiii?

Phoenix tilted its head as it looked at Iron with its huge eyes. Its eyes were asking him why he suddenly asked them to do that.

"The drake is terrified."

Phoenix glanced at the drake after hearing Iron's words. Seeing its eyes being trained on its body, the drake flinched and cried innocently.

― Kkiwooo....

"Hey! The child is scared!"

Phoenix widened the distance between them as it looked at Iron sullenly after receiving his rebuke.

They felt good because they had been able to come out after a long time so they needed to listen calmly to his words otherwise they might be sent back inside by an annoyed Iron.

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