Ch. 43 - The Winter Mountains' Working Environment is Special (3)

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When the other outpost leaders saw Captain Franco praising Iron for being a reliable subordinate, they immediately approached with broad smiles on their faces as they heaped on their own praises. It seemed like they did not want to get left behind in terms of praises. After all, the very first commissioned officer that had been assigned to their company had done a superb job of hunting a named.

Their company had been suffering for a long time since the neighboring company had been pushing them back. So, a good thing like this happening in Captain Franco’s company was bound to bring them happiness for a while. All of them couldn’t stand still. They were all itching to go back and tell their comrades this happy fact. Even Captain Franco wanted to hurry back and annoy his so-called rival, Captain Paulo. So, Captain Franco quickly led his men away after leaving praises and a promise of a massive support whenever the young man needed help.

“Everyone worked hard today. Take a good rest today and prepare for tomorrow. Just so you know, the work will still be focused on the sergeant and corporals so the rest of you can still take a good rest and focus on the work assigned to you.”

Iron dragged his exhausted body to the outpost leader’s office as he told his subordinates to take a rest for today.

Watching their outpost leader leave, the corporals and Sergeant Sean’s faces began to twist. Especially the corporals. After seeing the battle at the 3rd guard post, they were now fully aware of their outpost leader’s strength. This meant that they tried to go against someone that strong under the instigation of Sergeant Sean.

However, after hearing that they still had to shoulder all the work after that exhausting battle, the eyes of the corporals started to turn brutal as they openly glared at Sean. Sergeant Sean felt uncomfortable from their gazes but he couldn’t even use his jjambap and backing to suppress them. After all, he was the one who brought this upon them.

‘Ha… Did I mess up?’

Sean was not able to contact Sergeant First Class Maldini ever since then. He was also being half-supervised by Captain Franco since he openly allowed the outpost leader to do whatever he wanted to him. If he so much as placed a toe out of line in this situation, then the outpost leader would take this chance to completely target him. If that happened, the kids below him would definitely ignore him instead of lending a helping hand.

What was worse was the fact that he was already on the verge of being overtaken by Charles. Charles was the corporal who had stayed the longest in this outpost compared among all the other corporals. There was also the vice outpost leader. He knew that the vice outpost leader did not view him in a good light. Although he was currently ignoring him, he was sure that he would definitely grind him down and use his authority openly once he fell down to the bottom.

However, despite all of those glaring facts, Sergeant Sean still did not believe that the outpost leader would continue taking him to work. He knew that no matter how crazy the young outpost leader was, he wouldn’t possibly have the authority to carry a single sergeant to do work. If that happened, then the other commissioned officers in the unit would ask him to do it in moderation while threatening him with military discipline.

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