Ch. 127/128 - World Tree's Test

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World Tree’s Test (1)


After many sacrifices, Iron finally reached his destination. The purification of the contaminated spring water had started with the enormous holy power coursing through his body. However, the pollution had already progressed for a long time so it could not be purified instantly. Even though he had fainted right away, the purification was still ongoing thanks to the holy power that continuously emerged from his body.

However, contaminated energy still ran rampant above the tree. But perhaps it was because of the holy power? The tree, which was gradually returning to its original color, began to press on the dimensional gate and made it shrink.

The red tentacles that were wrapped and wound around the tree immediately let go of the tree and clung to the gate to move it elsewhere the moment the tree began to fill in the crack. It was as if the tree did not want to allow the gate to stick to its body anymore.

While the tree and the gate fought, the users who were focused solely on hunting the dark elves heard a string of notifications.

― The Main Quest World Tree’s Test has begun. This quest is linked to The North’s Final War.

― The black tree (World Tree’s root) is currently being purified. Protect the black tree until it is completely purified.

― This quest is the most important condition for winning The North’s Final War.

The users hesitated for a bit before raising their weapons high and joining the Northern Coalition’s frontlines.

Since the users, who were only focused on hunting the dark elves outside of the forest, joined the war, victory gradually tilted towards the Northern Coalition’s side.

But the problem was the black tree.

The Iron Wall Division and the rangers, who arrived just a step later, had begun their attack on the elves. The elves started to retreat the moment the troops arrived and fought against them.

The troops immediately helped the injured men that came out from inside the elves’ defense line. It was surprising that they were fighting against the normal elves, not the dark elves, but they found it even more surprising to find the majority of their famous knights were lying dead or were seriously injured on the ground.


The bloody Knight Order Commander, Cassim, fainted when he saw the Iron Wall Division’s commander. The soldiers immediately helped the other knights as they collapsed one by one. It was as if they had finally reached the end of the limits of their mental and physical states but they only let go after seeing them.

“Follow me!”

“Yes, sir!”

As they laid down Cassim, who had received first aid, and advanced forward, they were able to see the Ghosts who fought until the very end.

“Keok! Kgghhk!”

“Are you alright? Drink this first.”

Valios, the Iron Wall Division Commander, hurriedly rushed and helped Carl Gustav when he saw him vomit blood and lose grip on his sword. He immediately took out a potion and poured it into Carl’s mouth before pouring the rest over his grave injuries. However, his injuries were so severe that the healing power of the potion couldn’t solve it completely.

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