Ch. 33 - First Post: Winter Mountains (1)

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After the Commander and the other Corps Commanders had agreed on where Jaiden should be deployed, the rest of the graduating students’ destinations and assessments also proceeded rapidly.

Perhaps it was because Command took over number 1 that was why there were more units clamoring for number 2. Even the Corps Commanders were fighting fiercely for number 2. They also fought fiercely for the rest of the graduating students. In fact, Command also wanted to take number 2 before letting them take the rest of the students but it wasn’t an easy task since the other corps were blocking their way. This was mainly the reason why number 2 floated around for a while without any unit.

The others even tried to take chicken instead of pheasant and take number 3 but it was still an arduous task since he was also very talented.

“I didn’t know that I’ll renounce my claim on 1, 2 and 3…”

“This is a disaster.”

The Corps Commanders of the Mountain and Fog Corps looked despondent. The same was true for the Vanguard Corps Commander. They wanted to bring one of the three to their places somehow but it was not an easy choice to make for them.

If they wanted to bring in one of the three, they would have no choice but to give up on a large number of new recruits. But their corps were all severely lacking in terms of manpower. What they needed the most was more people and not just a single elite. So, in the end, all of them gave up on 1, 2 and 3 to bring in a larger number of people to their troops.

After the three big shots gave up on 2 and 3, the only ones left fighting were the elite groups. Although they were elite groups they still fought fiercely for these two. And only after fighting a long and dark fight did it end. After almost a month of arguing, the Knight Division and Iron Wall division successfully won the bid.

They had no choice but to yield Number 2, who had skills that were close to a knight, to the Knight Division under the strong insistence of the knights. On the other hand, number 3 was successfully won by the Iron Wall Division. They wanted to roll him hard under their guidance to erase his arrogance and useless pride.

Since they had finished dividing up the elites, the remaining students also began to get divided into the Northeast’s units.

“All of the numbers are graduating this time.”

“How long has it been?”

“I know.”

The 6th year professors had all gathered in the 6th year academy building to talk about the graduating class. They couldn’t help but smile happily at the thought that all of their students were graduating. Their smiles were so wide as they thought of the birds that would fly out of their nests soon.

Generally, the graduating class’ academy building was rarely used. After all, the students were sent to the frontlines most of the time so they did not have much time to spend here. Most of the students wanted to stay at the frontlines and focus on increasing their merits from actual battles to increase their evaluation and graduate successfully. However, this time, the amount of times that the academy building was used was close to nil. The only time that it was used was during their first few days of their senior year. The entirety of their time was spent in the frontline.

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