Ch. 120/123 - Counterattack!

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Happy new year everyone


Counterattack! (1)


The two quests that appeared in front of Iron were both related to the monsters’ annihilation.

The quests were both similar to the main quest that came out during the beta test but one thing was different. He still had to choose between surviving and saving the continent, but the difficulty went up several notches. This was because forces, that he had yet to identify, were probably going to try and kill him in the future.


Iron let out a long breath as he tried to clear his complicated thoughts.

He had already made up his mind a long time ago but seeing these choices come out as a quest had shaken him up.

“Number two.”

He made his choice right after his thought cleared up. He knew that taking more time to decide on this matter would shake his resolve. So, he immediately decided before his resolve could waver.

― Warning! Choosing number 2 will make these unknown forces attack you directly. Choosing number 1 will gradually take their interest away from you and will increase your chances of survival.

“Number two.”

Even though he was given another chance to choose, Iron still replied with the same answer and without any hesitation.

He had already learned that the modern times had an impact on this God Game. Besides, his original body had long fused with his current body which helped him recognize this world and his present as his reality a long time ago. That was also the reason why he wanted to do everything that he could.

‘I won’t avoid it.’

Iron had already surpassed the limits of his previous life the moment he reached the 6th Stage. And with his powerful divine beasts, he was confident that he would be able to fight more freely and more ferociously than in his previous life.

And above all else…

‘My growth is not over yet.’

He was walking on the right path in this life.

In his previous life, he felt that just taking a glance at the master-level was impossible. However, since he was walking the right path, this dream was now almost within his reach. And even if he failed to cross that wall, he was still confident that he would be able to show a power that was way beyond that of a master-level once he could fully open his divine beasts’ power.

― You have chosen number 2. From now on, special quests will be given to User-nim alone. This is on top of the other users main quests. Also! You will be engraved with a stigmata that would promote the unknown forces’ hostility.

[ First Special Quest – World Tree Dyed in Blood]

The dark elves have stolen one of the roots of the world tree and dyed it with human blood. Because of this, the entire root of the world tree is being contaminated. If the world tree is left alone, not only the North but the entire continent may face contamination. Make sure to purify it.

― The power of purification resides in your stigmata.

― From now on, the unknown forces will monitor your performance. Please note that they might assassinate you since you have become their most dangerous target. However! If other apostles with the same stigmata appear, the risk that you will face will gradually reduce.

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