Ch. 129/132 - Rewards and Suspicious Ones from the Center

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Rewards and Suspicious Ones from the Center (1)


The humans cheered loudly after hearing the words of the World Tree.

The Great Northern War has ended!

The contaminated forest began to turn green once again the moment the words ended. Even without Iron’s holy power, the forest was now emitting holy light by itself. The light destroyed everything unclean and purged them out of the forest. The completely purified root of the World Tree only took less than an hour to purify the entirety of the Northern Forest.


Huge tree branches also rose up and began to break down the gigantic dimensional gate in the sky. The root of the World Tree, the tree that used to be the black tree, emitted enormous amounts of nature’s energy and blocked the hole of the dimensional crack.

“That’s… possible?”

One of the wizards couldn’t help but stare blankly at the completely nonsensical scene in front of him.

How many sacrifices did they make in order to prevent the dimensional cracks in the Northeast? How many troops had they deployed and were still deploying in the East to keep the still unclosed dimensional crack in there?

But the root of the World Tree just poured out enormous amounts of energy and forced it close. It was as if it was showing them that the power that the head of the elves had shown them earlier was just some child’s prank. The root of the World Tree showed it’s overwhelming dignity through the enormous energy of nature that covered the entire Northern Forest and forced the dimensional crack closed.


Even the Lion Family Head, who had always been silent, exclaimed.

The grandmaster was the final stage that the humans could climb. But today, they seemed to be able to catch a glimpse of a power that was far beyond that. That was why even the Lion Family Head, who was at the end of the master level, couldn’t help but admire such power.

All of them realized that the war in the North was finally over after watching the dimensional crack close in a daze.

While the army was still left in a daze, the users and the chosen ones realized that the war was over through their rewards.

― Calculating your contribution in the World Tree’s Test…

― For your reward, you will be given: Mother Nature’s Blessings 1st Stage. Your affinity with nature will continue to increase from this point on. Your ability to respond to mana will also increase.

― Calculating your contribution in the Great Northern War…

― For your reward, you will be given the Title : ‘Void Being Slaughterer’. The title effects…

One of the users cheered loudly as he felt the effects of the title and Mother Nature’s energy that he had received as his rewards. He felt that it wasn’t a waste to come here with these rewards.

It was just the 1st Stage of Mother Nature’s Blessings but the user felt that everything around him had changed. And it was even a growth type blessing. Considering the fights that they would participate in the future, having a power that would continue to grow was quite important.

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