Ch. 41 - The Winter Mountains' Working Environment is Special (1)

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The corporals felt that they had received enough validation and encouragement after Iron reprimanded Sean in their stead. Because of this, they all diligently started to break the ice and carry out the repair works.

To be honest, the 1st guard post did not really need to be repaired that much since it was a guard post that was located near a critical guard post. This meant that the area was relatively safe compared to the other guard posts. Some even viewed this guard post as a place where they could rest at before continuing on to the next guard post.

However, despite knowing this fact, Iron still made them repair the 1st guard post perfectly. The first reason was because this place was the easiest place to repair. After all, it was easy to carry supplies and materials to this place which made it easier for them to repair the guard post. The other reason was because this was a place that they usually supervised whenever superiors came to check on the outpost. The higher-ups would often check the 1st~3rd guard post and assess the situation in the outpost through this. And since Iron was also a human being he was not rid of the desire to be seen in a good light by his superiors.

Because of those reasons, the 1st guard post was perfectly and completely repaired. They even gone beyond and added some devices and instruments for additional protection before moving on to the 2nd guard post.

“Heok… heok…”


“No, sir!”

Iron asked Sergeant Sean. He looked like he was exhausted since he had been breaking the ice with all his might but he still shook his head firmly to answer Iron.

Sean was not some soft tofu. If Iron was playing around while targeting him, he would definitely blow the matter up. However, he couldn’t complain at all since the boy was also working hard to break the ice with them. So all he could do was endure and work hard.

Despite working the entire morning, the distance that they had covered was only barely half of the total distance to the 2nd guard post. In fact, this speed of working was actually understandable. Since they had been breaking the ice and doing the needed repair along the way, their speed had been impacted tremendously.

The work that they had been doing was exhausting and hard. For normal people they should have taken several breaks in between but they did not do so. Fortunately, their bodies were strengthened from their mana awakening so they could push through, if it weren’t for that then they would have definitely fallen from exhaustion.

“Out… Outpost leader.”


“Don’t we have to save some of our energy? If a monster comes then…”

“In here? Hey, I know that it’s safe until the 3rd guard post. Are you telling me this because you feel tired?”

“No, sir!”

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