Ch. 47 - Platoon Mission(4)

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While everyone was busy panicking, Iron opened his mouth and spoke solemnly.

"Just so you know, I have already reported this to the search unit commander. He didn't say anything much and just gave me his support."

Iron smiled as the soldiers bowed their heads in obedience.

There was nothing else that they could do after being threatened with the search unit commander. Rebelling against their superior would bring nothing good to them so all that they could do was to work hard and survive.

They were fully aware that Iron did not care whether they rebelled or not. But when they heard the name of the search unit commander coming out of his mouth, the final shred of their feisty will that they kept at the corner of their hearts silently disappeared.

After seeing that the soldiers' will to resist had disappeared, Iron led them to climb the mountain once again.

On their way up, they encountered the soldiers working on patrol and guard duty. The soldiers that they passed by saluted Iron and the people who would take on the mission with him. Iron silently accepted their salute before moving forward. However, the soldiers did not put their hands down.

These soldiers stopped whatever they were doing and raised their hands in salute as a form of respect for their comrades who would go on these dangerous missions. They kept their hands raised in salute and only placed their hands down once all of the soldiers passed by.

After passing through one guard post after another, they finally arrived in the area where they killed the monsters during their training.

"From here on out, we will be stepping on a dangerous area. This place is closer to the 3rd outpost but this is a place that they do not venture into since it's dangerous."

This was the territory of the ice goblins. These monsters were one of the dangerous monsters in the Northeast. However, these monsters were weak enough that they could easily be hunted by the academy students.

However, that was not the case here in the Winter Mountains. The ice goblins in this place knew how to use ice magic. There were even some of them who knew how to use sorcery just like the snow golems. This was the reason why they could firmly hold out here in the Winter Mountains. They also had the poisonous needle, a weapon characteristic to goblins, and they could also ski so their movement speed in the snow was extremely quick. In other words, the goblins in the Winter Mountains were extremely difficult to deal with.

"Ice goblins are monsters that specialize in guerilla warfare. I believe any corporal who had experienced the ice goblins' guerilla warfare would know of their dangers."

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