Ch. 23 - Jaiden's Worth (4)

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Jaiden watched the trolls advancing from far away. He was also the first person to fire a shot when the whistle that signaled the retreat sounded.

When the other students saw him firing a shot, they also started firing magic bullets rapidly at an area not further away from the professors and the knights.

"Don't keep on firing aimlessly! We have to shoot as accurately and as precisely as we can!"

Jaiden roared at the children when they tried to continuously fire at the trolls.

Even if the guns that they were holding were modified and had lesser recoil and power than a normal gun to fit the children's body structure, their power would be compromised and their aim would be ruined if they continued firing like that with their measly arm strength.

If that happened, then they would not be able to aim and hit properly at the trolls' weaknesses. Rather than doing something so useless, it would be better if they could just focus on shooting a single shot while precisely aiming for the trolls' weaknesses.

As if proving that his thoughts were correct, the trolls that were unlucky to be hit on their vital shots screamed in pain.

In fact, it did not matter if they were only able to shoot their bodies. Even though their skins were thick and leathery, they would still feel a tingling pain if they got hit. Of course, it was a given that they could recover easily but just like when humans got hit, the tiny and insignificant tingling and stinging on their bodies would definitely escalate and give them severe pain if they were hit continuously.

The charging trolls shrunk and cowered from the pain of the magic bullets. When the knights and professors saw this, they quickly took this chance to stage their retreat in response to the retreat signal.

Boom! Boom! Boom!


One of the trolls roared as it banged on their drums.

A blue mana rose and swept around the field along with the beating of the drums. The mana slowly crept and seeped through the bodies of the trolls in the area.

After the mana entered their bodies, the trolls' eyes started to turn blue as their bodies took on a reddish tint. Then, blue flames suddenly erupted from their bodies as they started to turn enraged.

Once the changes were done taking place in their bodies, the trolls charged forward. Since the trolls were quite clever, they instinctively felt that they would be faced with an annoying situation if they let the fleeing knights and professors.

"They went berserk!"

"Be careful!"

The professors shouted loudly at their students when they passed through the academy's main gate. However, contrary to the professors' concerns, the students remained calm as they continued to fire on the trolls.

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