Ch. 124/126 - The Great Northern War

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The Great Northern War (1)


The human army’s counterattack began at the same time news about Iron becoming God’s apostle spread.

His holy power was so powerful that thousands of void insects could not get past it. It was playing an especially huge role in extinguishing and clearing the areas where the dark elves had already reached their claws at. It was only natural. After all, even the dark elves risked being purified once they got exposed to Iron’s holy power.

“The priests won’t be able to compare, right?”

“I know. I saw a bishop-level priest exerting his holy power in the Northern Army but his results were less than half of that.”

Rumors about Iron, starting with the rumors here in the Northeastern Army, began to spread in the North.

Reaching the 6th Stage before 20 years old.

Owner of the powerful divine beasts that creates a stir in the battlefield.

And on top of all those, an apostle.

No one would think that all of these rumors were related to a single person. However, with the rumors spreading widely, starting from Lion Castle Fortress, as well as testimonies and statements being released, the people began to think of Iron as…

‘The North’s hope.’

It was a moniker that a newspaper company had given Iron. Right now, it did not take that long for him to be hailed as the North’s hope, a title that was far beyond the title of hero.

The dark elves were also fully aware of this fact. That was why they continued to attack the Northeastern Army and to assassinate Iron all the time the deeper they went into the forest. But no matter how many times they tried, the entire army continued to surround and protect Iron.

However, the dark elves’ army that came and attacked them on all sides seemed to be unstoppable. Fortunately, Iron’s holy power was able to block all of their attacks.

Thanks to his enormous holy power, he was able to create a sanctuary that covered the entire Northeastern Army which gave them an overwhelming advantage over beings who used the power of the void. With a moving sanctuary, the entire army was able to advance forward little by little and eradicate the dark elves’ territories and spheres of influence in the forest.

“If we keep going on at this pace, then, we will be able to win!”

“Let’s lighten up and work a bit harder!”

“We can win!”

The moving sanctuary increased the morale of the troops together with the encouragement of the officers. But the more the Northeastern Army advanced, the stronger the resistance they received from the dark elves and their army. It was only natural especially because the territories that they painstakingly took were being taken over and decreasing day by day.  Nevertheless, the dark elves’ attacks and resistance were useless in front of Iron’s holy power.

They believed that they would really be able to reach the world tree quickly at the pace that they were going in.

“Hoo… We should have been able to take over and occupy the area where the world tree is by now but…”

Iron looked bitterly at the battlefield.

The Northeastern Army was currently unable to advance forward because they were protecting him. They were actually in a situation where the territorial forces, the Northern Army and the Lion Family had joined them.

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