Ch. 58 - Winter Mountains' Hero (5)

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The dangers that one would face in the current Winter Mountains, where the incomplete dimensional gate was opened, was completely incomparable to the dangers that they would face in ordinary dangerous areas.

Usually, they would deem this situation unsalvageable and would leave it half-abandoned once a dimensional gate had been opened. However, thanks to Iron’s concept and proposal that was backed by a Wizard Tower elder, they were able to find a method to smash and break the dimensional gate.

The answer was non-attribute.

Contaminated mana was mana that deteriorated from pure non-attributed mana. In other words, contaminated mana was mana that had gained some sort of attribute.

The law of this world stipulated that the mana that floated in nature had their own unique attributes and characteristics. However, among all of these mana, there existed a mana at its purest form. It was mana that did not contain anything at all. This was a concept that was discovered by the person who they had revered as Magic God a long time ago. He had defined it as non-attributed mana and it was still being passed on to this day. Thanks to the development of magical engineering, the people were able to study and learn how to convert the mana in nature into its purest form that contained nothing, the non-attributed mana.

Although the method was still inefficient, they were still thankful that a method like this existed which enabled them to create non-attributed mana.

“I’ve finished preparing the Non-Attributed Mana Conversion Magic Circle!”

Mailte Preston nodded at the wizard.

“Preparations have been finished.”

“Hoo… I’m nervous.”

Crimson looked extremely nervous after hearing the report from Mailte.

Unlike the beginning where they only relied on themselves, they now had the best troops of the North, the Leonhardts, the Wizard Tower as well as the entire Northeastern Army. However, despite their lineup it was inevitable that he would feel nervous. After all, this was the first time that Crimson saw a dimensional gate. They had no choice but to rely on historical records, records that showed them how it was the worst disaster that ate up an entire continent in the past. Because of this, Crimson was feeling extremely nervous.

“I can’t believe the world’s greatest, Crimson, is this scared…”

Mailte Preston shook his head. Crimson choked up when he heard his close friend’s jab at him. But he couldn’t help the tension that colored his face when he turned to look at the dimensional gate once again.

Then, as if he finally made up his mind, he opened his mouth.

“Activate it.”

Mailte Preston grinned at Crimson as he activated the non-attributed mana conversion magic circle.

At the same time, airships began to soar in the air to get into position and drop the bombs that would smash the dimensional gate apart.

Converting the mana in the surroundings into non-attributed mana was just some means to weaken the gate. The real thing that would smash it to pieces was the magic bomb that was filled to the brim with non-attributed mana.


“They’re coming!”

As the mana in the surrounding slowly turned into non-attributed mana, the mana-sensitive void insects were triggered to come out of the cave all at once. The beings that were slowly making their territory came out in a hurry when the contaminated mana that they had piled up in layers slowly turned into non-attributed mana. There were so many that crawled out of the cave that the people in the vicinity wondered how those void insects fit in that cave.

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