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season eight, episode one

Arizona kissed Alison's cheek who smiled at her wife's kiss on her cheek, as Lucile and Elizabeth babbled as they came out of the elevator, "Hey

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Arizona kissed Alison's cheek who smiled at her wife's kiss on her cheek, as Lucile and Elizabeth babbled as they came out of the elevator, "Hey." Teddy Altman appeared beside them, "Are you going to that breakfast thing?"

Alison furrowed her eyebrows, "Uh, yeah, after we drop them off at daycare." Arizona admitted to her cardio friend who then looked at the babies in the lesbian couple arms, "Oh, my god." Lucile had a purple jacket on whilst Elizabeth had a pink jumper on, "Look at them. They're so beautiful."

"Oh, oh, hey—" Teddy held onto Lucile and Elizabeth's small hands speaking to them, where Alison looked at the nurse who handed her charts, "Thank you."

"What's wrong with her?" Alison questioned when Teddy kept going with the baby talk, Alison propped Elizabeth more higher on her hip, "Mm, she's getting laid. She's unnaturally cheerful." Arizona stated as Alison looked at her wife, "Was I like that?"

Arizona shrugged her shoulders at her wife's response, "Maybe. I am—" Alison covered Elizabeth's ear with the chart from Arizona's words, "Mamá está siendo tonta otra vez." The Thomas female said to her baby.

Arizona looked at her wife with a smile, seeing how happy her wife was at officially being back at work, "Oh! New interns." Alison said when seeing the group follow behind Lexie.

"Hey there's the little munchkins." Callie said coming towards her best friend, "Did you see the new interns?" Callie then asked her best friend taking Elizabeth from Alison's arms, "I hate new interns."


And when both Callie and Alison nod their heads, "I love new interns. They're the future, the next generation, filled with hope and promise, innovation." Teddy explained to the three women, "Wow." Arizona then said, "The sex with Henry must be really good."

"Earth-shattering." Teddy said playing with Lucile who smiled at the Cardio god in Arizona's arms, "Shh, sex." Arizona then said covering Lucile's ears from the bad words.

Teddy looked at her friends, "Not even Yang's gonna get me down. No, she's not." Callie chuckled giving Elizabeth back to her best friend, as her and Teddy walked past them.


Alison smiled when going into the cafeteria where there was doing a breakfast thing with Arizona and Alison speaking to one another as their hands were intertwined, "God, I want what you two have." Millie said sitting down in the chair next to her friends.

"Hey, Mill." Alison smiled at her friend, "Excited for your first day back?" The orthopaedic surgeon nods her head, "It's good to be back," she claimed to Millie who nods her head, "If you ever need time away from Lucile and Elizabeth to have time for yourselves, we—I can take them."

Alison looked at the resident, "Sure." Millie nods her head with a smile, moving away from the married couple, as Alison sipped on her's wife drink.

Arizona looked over her wife's shoulder seeing Alex Karev enter the room, "I'll be back." Arizona said placing a kiss to her wife's lips going to where Alex Karev stood at the buffet.

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