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season seven, episode twelve

season seven, episode twelve

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"what the hell?"

alison stated when seeing boxes of furniture near the opened red door of her house before she sees arizona coming out picking up another box, "good morning!" she said with a kind smile.

the same kind smile that made alison fall more in love with her, "be strong," mark stated when he was behind his best friend, who nods her head stepping forwards, "what are you doing here?"

arizona looked back at her, "i'm moving back in—" the blonde said when looking at her ex girlfriend's face, "hooray!" she said as alison looked back at her ex girlfriend in utter confusion, "please tell me you're joking," alison said to her, "no, why would i joke about that?"

alison licked her lips as she stepped forwards seeing arizona step backwards at the determination on her ex girlfriend's face, "because my lack of interest in seeing you is not a strategy," she stated, "i'm not uh—i'm not playing hard to get, i don't want to see you because i turned my life upside down for you, and you walked away because for a week, i was cranky," she admitted about herself, "you're untrustworthy, so i don't want to see you, you're self centred so i don't want to see you, i am a hundred percent certain that if i let you back into my life again, you will hurt me over and over again." the brunette claimed feeling her emotions get the best of her.

she looked at arizona, "i don't want to see you, this isn't a ploy, i'm not pouting, i don't want you in my life! not anymore, not after you walked away, not after i begged you to stay," alison accused before she walked off going into her home and getting some clothes into her bag before coming out of her home and going towards the hospital.

arizona then looked at mark, "it's good that shes mad, right? it means that she cares, right?" the sloan male didn't answer arizona's question as he caught up with his best friend.


arizona walked with her ex girlfriend's closet friends and male best friends, "i mean, i get it," the pediatric attending admitted as adam stepped off of the elevator behind arizona and mark, "alison's got a hang-up about me being perfect, you know, everything comes easy for me, and i don't have any flaws," the pediatric surgeon rambled, "now that i've clearly made a mistake, she's gonna pound the crap out of it,"

the hunt male chuckled, "so you don't think you're perfect?" he questioned the blonde, who looked back at him, "no, i have a lot of flaws," she admitted, "i'm competitive, i'm a workaholic, i smoke when i'm stressed, its disgusting," arizona added about her smoking habit, "sure she'd love to hear all those," mark commented.

adam nodding his head agreeing to what mark said, "along with any other real faults you actually come up with," the hunt male added before walking past the two, "why is he in a mood?"

arizona then said about the attending who went to where alison stood at the nurse's station, "nothing," mark stated even though he knew the reason why adam was in a mood with the pediatric surgeon after he had to pick up the crying orthopaedic surgeon from the airport where arizona had left her.

SET ME FREE, ᵍʳᵉʸˢ ᵃⁿᵃᵗᵒᵐʸ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora