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season six, episode eighteen

"three dates, no sex, just talking," the plastic surgeon told his happy lesbian couple where alison was examining her test tubes as mark spoke, "do you have any idea how much you can learn about someone if you remain upright? i bet you didn't know...

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"three dates, no sex, just talking," the plastic surgeon told his happy lesbian couple where alison was examining her test tubes as mark spoke, "do you have any idea how much you can learn about someone if you remain upright? i bet you didn't know teddy hates the word moist," he rambled as arizona makes a face, "hates it, would really prefer if people say damp, do you hear me?" he questioned his focused friend, "i'm growing again,"

arizona chuckled seeing her girlfriend focused on her work, "she's making cartilage from scratch," the pediatric attending said, "she's preoccupied these days, it's super hot," arizona said when alison looked to her girlfriend with a smile, "i'm gonna be late,"

she leaned in pressing a kiss to her girlfriend's lips, "bye," the man groaned as alison waited for her girlfriend to walk out of the room, "she doesn't want kids," she said to her best friend, "arizona doesn't want kids, in her womb, in her house, ever, she told me," the orthopaedic surgeon stated.

"what did you say?"

alison sighed, "nothing, we're doing so great, i don't want to ruin it by being the crazy, desperate girl with the aching womb," she implied to her friend, "better than behind crazy childless woman who sits at the playground watching the children play, they have laws for people like that," alison looked at mark, "you gotta tell her,"

the ortho surgeon sighed turning back to look at her cartilage test tubes.


dr thomas was in a trauma room looking at the man's open fracture to the left tibia and left hip fracture, "i need to reduce this ankle dislocation," she stated, "give him ten of morphine,"

"we need to treat his frostbite," mark told nick who was their patient, "do you like the tips of your fingers?" the man nods his head, "yes, please,"

dr avery looked at the man, "you jumped out of a helicopter on skis?" he questioned the idiotic man, "you can't get powder like that anywhere else,"

richard webber looked at the man, "i'm seeing fluids around your kidney, we're gonna need to do a ct of your abdomen," the ex chief of surgery tells their patient, "do what you gotta do, me and the guys are running with the bulls in pamplona next year, gotta be up on my feet," nick, their patient tells them.

"hey, phil—" nick yelled from his room, "tell those doctors they need to fix you up so you can run with the bulls next year!" alison's patient yelled from inside his trauma room when seeing his friend passing in a gurney.

"did you call lani?"

nick then asked them, "you should call your wife," alison told her patient as she treated open fracture, "she'll freak, tommy—" nick looked to his friend who stood near to mark's patient as owen needed the trauma room, "call her when i go in, downplay it, it's a broken leg," he claimed to his friend.

SET ME FREE, ᵍʳᵉʸˢ ᵃⁿᵃᵗᵒᵐʸ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora