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season seven, episode sixteen

Alison laid on the OB table where Lucy Fields was doing an ultrasound looking at Alison's fetus' inside of her belly, "Look!" Arizona smiled seeing the ultrasound of their twins, "Nice size

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Alison laid on the OB table where Lucy Fields was doing an ultrasound looking at Alison's fetus' inside of her belly, "Look!" Arizona smiled seeing the ultrasound of their twins, "Nice size." Lucy commented, moving the ultrasound scanner around, "Good looking placenta."

"Is that their arms?"

Alison reached out and pointed at the ultrasound to what her OB nods her head, "Yep." Mark and Arizona both smiled, "Aw." Arizona reached down and grabbed onto her girlfriend's hand who looked at her with a smile, "All good. Did you schedule an amnio yet?"

Mark was quick to interfere, "We don't need an amnio." The man commented as both Arizona and Alison looked at him confused, "Um—We don't?" Arizona nods her head, "Of course we do. We'll set it up."

"Why do we need an amnio?"
"I can think of a hundred reasons why."

Mark and Arizona disagreed with one another as Alison looked in between them, "Hey, hey, hey." Alison said, holding onto her girlfriend's hand who looked back at her, "It's so nice that there are three of you." Lucy said to them.

Mark's pager went off, "I gotta go." The man looked away from his pager, "Don't let shove her a giant needle in your belly before we discuss this." Arizona looked at Mark who started to walk out of the room, "It's not giant. Nine inches."

Lucy guessed nine inches out with her fingers as Alison looked at how close Lucy's hands were before moving it slightly away a tiny bit more.


"I've lost too many babies in my time." Mark said as Alison was writing on Callie's patient chart, "Addison terminated, Sloan disappeared." Alison sighed, "I'm not letting it happen again. I don't care what kind of baby it is."

Alison sighed, "You can't be gilb about this." Arizona argued walking behind the plastics attending, "A special-needs baby can be a very sick baby, nonetheless, two special needs babies. We could be talking about a lifetime of surgeries and hospitals stays and pain. It's not all hugging and the special olympics."

Alison furrowed her eyebrows, "Amnios come with risks, too. One in some—" Mark trailed off, "not insignificant number result in miscarriage."

"One in three hundred." Lexie Grey claimed from where she stood, making the three surgeons all look at her.

Alison makes a face, "She's not fourty-five, the down's rate isn't all that high in women her age." Alison looked at Mark, "I am only thirty," The chief of orthopaedic surgery stated.

"Can—can we have a minute?" Alison spun around looking at her girlfriend, thought she meant about an on-call room minute, "Can I just—?"

Mark looked in between them, "There's no pulling anybody aside." The plastics attending argued, "We have a relationship, Mark. Part of that doesn't include you." Alison grabbed the chart, "She's carrying my kids. Alright," Mark said looking at his best friend, "she gets a minute, then I get a minute, too."

"Ok, you know what?" Alison said annoyed, "No gets a minute!" She told them, "I have a patient. The patient gets a minute." Arizona looked at her girlfriend, "I'm only doing consults." Alison said before walking away from where her girlfriend and Mark stood.


The orthopaedic surgeon sipped on her drink that she had bought along with lunch, "This miscarriage rate is low. It's even lower with widely talented OB's." The blonde pedatric surgeon argued, setting down her drink, "And we have wildly talented OB's."

"It's a risk no matter who does it."

Mark Sloan commented sitting on the table as the lesbian couple, as Callie hummed at her friend's comment with Millie looking in between her two lesbian friends, "Ok, you know what?" Alison interrupted, "I'm trying to eat, which is more important than it's ever been now because i'm an incubator, ok? I know what each of you thinks, I'm weighing the options, I will decide."

Millie smiled at Alison, "You'll decide?" Mark then asked, "Yes." Alison nods her head looking at her baby daddy, "I'm the tie breaker. And anyhow, I have the biggest vote, because, as we've discussed, I vote on behalf of the baby and on behalf of the—"

"—Vagina." Alisom hummed, "Right." Mark said with his hand on his hip, "That's not gonna cut it, ok? We're co-parenting. All of us." He said motioning to them three, "This isn't a joke. It's not some cute arrangement where you humour me and use me for babysitting when you want to see a movie." Alison looked at her baby daddy, "This is my child. We're doing this together. You don't get a bigger vote. I'm a parent!"

Arizona slurped on her drink as Alison looked to her girlfriend who outstretched her hand, handing her drink over to her girlfriend who half smiled taking her drink from her hands and drinking it.


"Well—" Alison Thomas had gathered both her babies daddy and her lesbian lover to a table, "I'm doing the amnio. I just—I want to have the information, whatever it is. That doesn't mean I'm gonna act on it, but just, I—" Alison looked at them, "Whatever the situation is, I want to know about it."

Mark nods his head, "Ok. Thank you." Arizona looked at Mark scoffing at the man's words, "That's it?" The pedatric women questioned, "I just wanted her to think about it. I wanted all of us to really think about it. And you did, there's three of us, I got outvoted. As long as my thirty-three percent is considered, and nobody's body parts get more of a vote than I do, that's all I can ask for." Mark stayed with a shrug of his shoulders.

Alison looked at the plastics surgeon with a kind smile playing on her lips at Mark's words.


Alison kissed Arizona's lips before standing up and walking into the kitchen pouring herself a glass of water and she poured Arizona some more wine into her glass, "I gotta tell you, I was impressed with Mark today. He—He is really being an adult about all this."

The orthopaedic surgeon admitted walking into her living room, rounding the corner with a bright smile on her lips, "I think he's gonna be a great dad!"

"Yeah." Arizona smiled when Alison handed her glass of wine, "It'll work." Alison's smile faltered at her words, "You didn't think it was that impressive." She cleared her throat, "Sure. He handled it. And not like a four year old. Is that supposed to make me excited?"

The newspaper Arizona was reading, she went into a different page, "I thought I was supposed to be the cranky hormonal one." Arizona looked away from the paper to her girlfriend, "I'm not cranky. I just don't get excited about Mark. I'm not delighted by Mark. I love you." Alison half smiled at that, "And I can honestly say that I am going to love this baby-"

"—Babies." Arizona corrected herself as Alison wiped her hand on her trousers, "But Mark? Somehow I ended up agreeing to a lifetime with—" Arizona makes a face, "—Mark. A lifetime of decisions—bottle or sippy cup, basketball or tap, Dartmouth or Berkeley."

Alison looked down, "Ok." The brunette headed female sighed, "I never picked him." Arizona admitted, "And I don't hate him, but I don't want a life with him. And yet, somehow, that's what I got." The pedatric surgeon said, "What am I supposed to do, kick him out? I mean, it's his kid."

"You don't need to remind me of that." Arizona commented, "I never, ever forget that." Alison frowned, "Wow." She scoffed, "We're gonna go down that road again,"

Arizona sighed, "Can we just be honest about the fact that this is some kind of your dream come true? You got the women that you love, and the guy best friend, who's also a great lay." Alison sighed, closing her eyes slightly, "And then you get a baby—two babies. I mean, you get it all! And me? This is not my dream." The blonde women shook her head, "My dream doesn't look like this."

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