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season seven, episode thirteen

alison was in the same room as mark where alison sat at the end of the bed, "you have to say something, words, make words," she stated hating the silence between them, "holy crap,"

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alison was in the same room as mark where alison sat at the end of the bed, "you have to say something, words, make words," she stated hating the silence between them, "holy crap,"

alison hummed at that, "does adam know?" he questioned as alison looked at her best friend, "he does, he helped me in the bathroom," mark hummed at her words, "that's why he wasn't too happy with me," mark said as alison bite her lip, "a baby?"

"growing like a weed, in my uterus," she claimed to him, "not like a weed, like a mighty oak," she scrunched up her face, "we're gonna be great parents," mark told his best friend, "mark, you don't have to—"

the male's hand came over his best friend's hand, "are you kidding me? that's my kid in there," he said when looking down at alison's stomach, "i'm a dad," he said making alison chuckle, "we're parents of a baby,"

"oh, my god—lexie—" mark said with his hand coming up to his head, "what am i gonna tell lexie? i've told her about us sleeping together but this— what am i gonna tell lexie?"

alison stands up from her best friend's bed, "ok, uh—you think about that," she said to her best friend before exiting her best friend's apartment and going towards her front door of her home.

she let out a breath before opening the front door coming more into her home, when she turned her head seeing arizona sit in the living room, "are you ready to talk now?" she asked when going more to her living room doorframe, "i want to say some not nice things, and i want you to listen without saying that our relationship is over or walking out,"

the blonde claimed as alison nods her head looking at the back of arizona's head, "ok," she stepped more into the living room, "i'm mad that you slept with someone else, and i know that we were broken up, but still, you slept with someone else," alison gulped as she came around the living room sofa, "and i'm even madder that—that person has a penis," arizona admitted.

"and i know that it was just one time thing in the heat of the moment, but—" alison sighed, "would you rather me have left you?" she questioned arizona who then said, "you have to give me a chance to process this, ok? i'm processing!"

the blonde said, "i didn't plan this, ok?" she then went in front of her ex girlfriend looking at arizona, "i-i didn't plan any of this," she said when meeting arizona's teary eyes, "but there's a—mighty oak or whatever showing up in our lives in about seven months, so now i have to plan," alison admitted, "and i don't know how long i can wait for you to process, but i—"

a tear slipped down her face, where she leaned in and wiped the tear away from arizona's face, "i want you in my plan, i want you to be apart of my plan," she claimed to arizona looking into her blue eyes, "i forgive you, i forgive you for leaving me in that airport, i forgive you arizona," she repeated, "so— are you in or are you out?"

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