It Will Rain

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Jenn's POV.

In the suffocating waiting room, I concealed my identity with a long trench coat and sunglasses, my heart pounding louder than the ticking clock on the wall. Thoughts raced through my mind like a hurricane, envisioning Ben emerging with words that would either shatter or mend my world. "Jennifer, I'm okay. I missed you," echoed relentlessly.

My head spun, a whirlwind of fear and hope colliding. Grateful Cy was safe, I couldn't fathom losing both my child and husband. The dread of the unknown, not seeing Ben, gnawed at my soul. Desperation drove me to close my eyes, seeking solace, but memories flooded back with a crushing weight, intensifying the drama of this agonizing moment.


Dunkin set

"Where is Ben?" I asked.

"He's here, he'll be coming out of his trailer shortly." My assistant said.

Just then Ben came out of his trailer and walked into set with his a binder that had his lines in it.

I walked back to my directors chair and sat down, crossing my legs and reading part of the script to make sure everything runs smoothly. A man approached me and we locked eyes.

"Hi, I'm Ben." He said.

"Jennifer. And I know, I requested you." I said then looked back at my script. "Do you know where your place marker is at, Ben?" I asked and looked at him.

"Yeah.." Ben said as he continued to look at me. I looked up and noticed him still looking at me and not realizing I was hinting that he should go to his spot. He chuckled nervously once he realized then made his way to his spot.

Once everyone was in their place, it was time to film.

"Ready?" I asked, peering at Ben over the rim of my glasses while casually leaning against the armrest.

He gave me a thumbs up instead of a nod and it made me giggle. This man is so nervous.. it was a bit cute..

"Action!" I said and watched the scene.

****Flashback Continues****

As the scene wrapped, Ben approached me with a hopeful smile, attempting to engage in conversation.

"Jennifer, that was great teamwork," he complimented.

I barely glanced up from the script, my mind fixated on the next shot. "Thanks. Just make sure you hit your marks for the next one."

Undeterred, Ben persisted. "So, Jennifer, do you enjoy working on these types of projects?"

I sighed, my focus solely on business. "I'm here to work, Ben. Small talk won't make the film better."

He chuckled nervously, still trying to break through my professional facade. "Fair enough, but it's nice to get to know your co-stars, right?"

I raised an eyebrow, uninterested. "I know what I need to know for the scenes. Let's keep it professional, shall we?"

Ben's attempt at connection faded as he nodded, realizing my disinterest. The distance between us grew as the set buzzed with activity, and my determination to keep things strictly professional echoed in the cold exchange. The vivid memory lingered as the real-life drama unfolded in the hospital waiting room.

****End of flashback*****

"Mrs. Affleck?" The doctor's voice cut through the heavy atmosphere, and I rose, my heart pounding.

She approached with deliberate steps, a bearer of news that would reshape my world. "Your husband, Ben, is stable, but we had to induce a coma due to the severity of his injuries."

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