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Three weeks into filming...**Jenn's Point of View**

**5 AM**

I was utterly exhausted. Six months pregnant and drained after each day of filming, I had two more weeks to go. By June, I'd be done. I told myself, "I've got this." Exiting the car waiting for me outside, it took me back to the hotel. Once inside, I made my way to the elevator and waited to be taken up to my suite. After a short ride, I arrived at my room, inserted my key into the slot, and entered the suite. Ben was awake, watching TV. He glanced at me."How did it go?" he asked.

"The usual," I replied, struggling to get into bed. My belly had grown, and I'd gained some weight.

I remained upset with Ben because he hadn't apologized in three weeks. I understood his jealousy, but I was out here working, pregnant, and feeling weaker by the day as my pregnancy progressed. I ignored the weakness, not wanting to worry him or the kids. Moreover, I had a job to do, making a movie. I couldn't just leave it because I felt unwell. I rarely took days off. I had to keep going. I couldn't handle the fact that my mom knew what was going on since Benny had told her. This made me even more nervous and stressed, as I didn't want to burden my mom with my marriage issues. 

"I'm going to sleep now. I was waiting for you. Goodnight," Ben said, without giving me a kiss or a massage. It had been three weeks since he'd shown me any affection.

"What?" he replied, sitting up.

"Why haven't you been showing me affection? It seems like you've pulled away from the relationship and only focused on the kids. When we go out, you don't hold my hand or kiss my head anymore. It's like we've become strangers," I said, managing to turn to face him.

"I don't know," he replied softly.

"What do you mean, you don't know? Are you not attracted to me anymore? Am I too fat for you now?" I asked.

"No, Jenn, of course not. I've just been thinking a lot, and..." he started, but I cut him off.

"So, instead of communicating with me, you choose to keep to yourself and not talk about it? We're married, Ben. A marriage is supposed to be about unity and 100% commitment from both sides. If you don't want to be a part of my life anymore and only care about the kids, then that's fine. I've been a single mother for 14 years. I can do it on my own again," I said, tears streaming down my face.

Ben immediately wiped away my tears and kissed my forehead.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I just wasn't thinking, and the whole thing I pulled with Ana wasn't right either. I was immature and jealous. I got jealous because someone told me he flirts with you a lot, and I know I can trust you, but from man to man, I know how much he wants you. He doesn't want to be your friend, Jenn. He wants more, and I can see that," he confessed, holding me close.

"We work together, we're just co-stars. If you can't handle that, then you need to work on yourself," I replied, trying to pull away but feeling physically weak.

"Jennifer, I'm sorry. I said I was sorry. I truly mean it when I apologized. I know I went overboard, but I'm sorry. I trust you, and I know you won't do anything," he said, genuinely feeling guilty.

I began to feel remorseful too, but physically, my condition worsened. My breathing became heavy and labored.

"Jenn?" he exclaimed, watching me struggle to breathe. He sat up immediately, helping me sit up. "Jennifer? Speak to me, honey."

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to catch my breath, but it was difficult. My breathing became labored, and I struggled to get out a full sentence before falling forward onto Ben, losing consciousness.

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