On the 6

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The following morning... 6:30 AM

Ben's Pov...

Jennifer was already awake and was blow drying her hair since she just got out of the shower. She had her black robe on and was in the process of getting ready. I looked over at Juni and she was deep asleep even though there was loud noise going on.

I grabbed my phone and went on instagram. I don't use instagram often but was on my finsta account. Jennifer finished drying her hair and began to straighten her hair. I got up and walked over to her as she was parting her hair into sections and was pinning them up with clips.

"Good morning beautiful." I said to her.

"Good morning." Jenn said as she was focused on her hair.

I hugged her from behind and rubbed her sides softly then ran my hands up her body and cupped her breasts, massaging them softly.

"Ben, I'm trying to get ready. I have to look presentable and you trying to seduce me isn't going to help. I'm trying to actually be on time for once." She said as she pulled away from me and began to straighten her hair.

"Alright, Jennifer." I said since she didn't call me babe or baby.

I turned on the water to take a shower and began to get undressed. Jennifer didn't even bother to look at me or take a peek like how she always does. She was focused on her hair.

I hopped into the shower and did my thing as she did her own thing.

10 minutes later, I turned off the water and grabbed a towel then dried myself off in the shower and wrapped it around my waist. I stepped out to see Jennifer on her knees and bent over looking for a product under the sink. I smirked softly and got behind her and lifted up her robe. I smacked her ass one cheek at a time then gripped it. Jenn didn't seem to mind.

"Have you seen my dry shampoo?" She asked as she stayed bent over.

"I think Violet has it." I said as I continued to massage her ass and play it.

Jenn got up and pulled the towel off of me and laughed as she walked out and walked to Violets room. She quietly walked in and saw that Violet was awake already and was reading a book on her kindle.

"Good morning munchkin." She said to her and walked up to her giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Good morning mom." Violet said as she looked up at her with tears streaming down her face

"Aww honey, why are you crying?" Jenn said as she removed Violet's glasses and wiped away her tears.

"This book is sad. It's about a girl who lost her mom when she was 15 and her dad kicks her out instead of helping her. The girl finds her own journey and goes to school still but it's just sad. I can't imagine my life without my mom. Living life without you would suck." Violet said as tears kept running down her face.

"Awww! My Vivi! I'm not going anywhere. I promise. I love you so much, honey." Jenn said to her and hugged her tight.

"Good because I love you too much and I wouldn't know how to live life without my favorite person." Violet said as she hugged her back. She sniffled softly and sighed in relief. "Mom, where are you going today?" She added.

"Your father and I are going to a meeting for my new movie.. it's different than the one I'm currently doing... I'm excited because he'll get to be apart of it.." Jenn giggled softly.

"Oh that sounds nice. Hopefully we can all go out to dinner later so we can hear about how it went. " Violet smiled.

"Maybe.. we might... but I'll let you know after. By any chance, do you have my dry shampoo?" Jenn asked.

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