Change of plans

416 17 3

Ben's Perspective

Jennifer was in the bathroom, meticulously preparing for our flight to Boston. Our children were already in bed, peacefully asleep. I took our luggage to the car and then returned upstairs to wait for Jennifer.

"Hey, princess... do you happen to have your passport handy?" I asked, glancing at her as she delicately applied her makeup.

"It's in the safe. Why do you ask, where are we going?" Jennifer responded, her attention still focused on her makeup routine.

"No particular reason, just curious," I replied, standing behind her, planting tender kisses on her shoulder as I watched her. She emitted a soft giggle and caressed my hand, which rested gently on her belly.

"Seeing you happy and healthy again truly warms my heart. I missed the yin to my yang. I missed you a lot, even when you're away for a day for work. I miss your kisses," Jennifer confessed softly, looking at me through the mirror. I nodded, turning her around to face me.

"You inspire me to be a better person. You've remained true to your vows, 'in sickness and in health,' and I love you for that. You're amazing, so beautiful, and incredibly strong. I promise to be the man you deserve and have always wanted. I'm constantly striving to be the best father," I whispered, gently pressing my lips to hers since she had already applied her lip gloss. Jennifer returned the kiss and smiled.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you more," I responded. Our intimate moment was interrupted as Samuel came between us, embracing Jennifer.

"Hey, baby, shouldn't you be in bed?" Jennifer asked Sam. Sam simply shrugged, hugging his mother tightly. She lifted him and returned him to his bed. "I'll be back soon, honey, I promise," Jennifer assured him as she tucked him in.

"But I want to go with you and Daddy," Sam whined, pouting.

"We'll be back before you know it," she whispered, planting a kiss on his cheek. Sam sighed softly, nodding as Jennifer stayed with him until he fell asleep. Once he was peacefully slumbering, she rejoined me in our room, tidying up her vanity and packing her makeup bag.

"Are you ready, honey?" I asked, and she nodded.

"What if we took the kids with us?" Jennifer whispered.

"I thought it was supposed to be a trip just for us," I replied softly.

"It can be, but I feel guilty about leaving the kids behind. I know they have school tomorrow, but, babe, school will always be there; memories need to be made. Can we please bring them? Pretty please?" Jennifer pleaded. I couldn't resist those pleading eyes of hers.

"Okay, fine," I agreed and went to Cy's room. Carefully, I picked up the kids one by one and placed them in the car while Jennifer packed their things and retrieved their phones. Sam was picked up last since he was a light sleeper, requiring extra care and quiet. After safely securing all the children in the car, I retrieved their luggage and stowed it in the trunk. I was grateful for Jennifer's Cadillac; it made mini road trips like this much more manageable.

Jennifer was the last to come downstairs and join us in the car. I sighed as I looked down at our dog, Lady, who patiently awaited by the door. "I suppose you're coming along too, Miss Lady," I remarked, picking her up and placing her in the car with the kids.

"Ready?" I asked Jennifer as she took some selfies.

"Mhm," Jennifer replied, engrossed in her selfies. Leaning in, I tenderly caressed her thigh, planting kisses along her neck and down her chest. "Babe, stop... not with the kids in the car," she whispered, gently stopping me as I began to lower her bra.I chuckled softly and sat back, starting the car. We headed to the airport, and all the kids remained sound asleep.

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