The portrait

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Ben's pov

I woke up to Jenn taking a shower. I admired her beauty and how beautiful she looked. She was singing Need a Favor by Jelly Roll as it was playing in the background,  which made me smile. Her voice is just perfect and beautiful.

I got up and joined her in the shower, holding her close and caressing her sides softly from behind before wrapping my arms around her completely and singing along with her.

After the song ended, Girl Crush started playing and Jenn turned around to look at me.

"Am I your girl crush?" She asked. She gazes at me with warmth in her eyes as I express my feelings. "I just wanted to tell you how much I love you," I said softly as my voice filled with sincerity. However, my words occasionally falter as I find it hard to look away from her mesmerizing eyes. "You mean everything to me, and I'm so grateful to have you in my life," I continue, a gentle smile on my face. Jennifer grins, "I love you too. But, hey, are my eyes that distracting?" I chuckle, "Absolutely. They're impossible to resist."

She leans in to kiss me soft and deep as she caresses my biceps. "Make me yours.. now..." she whispers against my lips as she begs for my tough.

"Not yet.. later baby girl. We have the day planned ahead of us." I whisper and kiss her neck softly just to ease her feelings a bit.

Jenn looks at me, a puzzled expression on her face. "Why not in the shower? It could be so much more intimate and spontaneous," she suggests, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "It feels like you're holding back, and I can't help but wonder why. Are you not attracted to me anymore?" The atmosphere turns uneasy as she voices her frustration, seeking an explanation for my reluctance in sharing an intimate moment in the shower.

"Jenn, it's not about lacking attraction—it's quite the opposite. With guests around, I want our intimate moments to be more than just a rushed encounter in the shower. I need hours, not minutes, to indulge in the sweetness of making love with you. Yesterday was a test of my self-control; the desire was there, trust me. I envisioned us on the kitchen counter, but with everyone around, it took everything in me to keep composed. I just want our moments to be special, without the pressure of time or prying eyes." I said to her as she understood what I meant and nodded softly.

After our refreshing shower, we wrapped ourselves in cozy towels. I slipped into a fresh pair of pajamas and those comfortable Calvin Klein boxers that Jenn got for me. "I'll be with the girls, okay?" I murmured, standing behind Jenn as she focused on her skincare routine. With a soft nod, she turned to me, making a sweet kissy face. I couldn't resist planting a tender kiss on her lips and giving her a playful pat on the ass before heading to the girls' room. Checking on them, I found Juni snuggled up with Raelynn in her crib. The sight warmed my heart – my two calm babies, just waking up to the day.

After changing their diapers, I tiptoed to the mini fridge in their room, retrieving two bottles of milk. Gently cradling Juniper, I scooped up Raelynn, settling down on the plush recliner in the corner. As I propped up the chair and began feeding them their bottles, Raelynn let out the sweetest coo, her green hazel eyes locking onto mine. Her adorable gaze melted my heart, making the moment even more precious. I grinned at Raelynn's sweet coo, then shifted my attention to Juni. To my surprise, she had managed to hold onto my phone while sipping from her bottle, watching Miss Rachel on YouTube. I couldn't help but be amazed by how effortlessly she navigated my phone, her tiny fingers handling the device with surprising ease.

The girls take their time when drinking their milk. I took a nap while I waited for them. 45 minutes later... the girls were done and fell asleep with me. Another 1 later...

"Benjamin!!" Jennifer called out as she was looking for me around the house. She walked in the girls room to see the three of us asleep.

"Oh my god... how stinkin cute.." Jenn whispered as she grabbed her phone and took a photo of us. She carefully climbed on top of me and was in the middle of both of the girls then began to place soft kisses all over my face.

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