Ain't no mountain high...

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Ben's Perspective:

The morning started on an unusual note after I invited Jenn to join me for therapy. It was a decision I made after discussing it with Matt, and now the anticipation was hanging in the air as we prepared for the session later that day.

As Jennifer got ready in her room, a gentle tension lingered. Approaching her, I took her hand and kissed it, suggesting, "I don't think makeup is necessary. I've booked a therapy session at 4. It's just an hour, and afterward, we can go to that dinner you've been looking forward to."

Her response was somewhat guarded, "I know how to handle myself and makeup."

Quickly realizing I might have unintentionally touched a nerve, I reassured her, "Babe, I didn't mean it that way. I just want you to be comfortable. I understand how emotional we both can get. I'm sorry if it came out wrong. Do whatever pleases you." I kissed her gently, apologizing and adding, "I'm sorry, baby."

Leaving her to her routine, I observed from the doorway as she put on makeup, the soft strains of "La-La Means I Love You" filling the room. The purity in her eyes reminded me of our earlier days, despite the echoes of my past relationship still lingering in my mind.

Leaving her to her preparations, I went to the other room to watch TV, giving her space. Jenn, on the other hand, played classic Motown love songs as she readied herself.

An hour later, she emerged, radiating elegance in a white long-sleeved blouse paired with dark blue bootcut jeans and tall black heels. Her slicked-back ponytail and gold jewelry completed the ensemble. "I'm ready," she said, offering a soft smile.

With the TV off, we headed to the car. Opening the door for her, I sensed her nervousness. 

Holding her hand, I assured, "We'll be okay. Don't worry." As we drove to my therapist's office, her subtle gestures reflected both anxiety and a willingness to make things right.

Upon arriving, however, her discomfort became evident. After she excused herself to the trash can, I offered comfort, realizing that the combination of nausea and nervousness had taken a toll. Once she composed herself, we entered the office together.I

nside, my therapist, Jack, greeted us warmly. The session began with questions about our relationship and its history. The revelation of recent challenges, including Jennifer's infidelity, unfolded, adding a layer of complexity to our narrative.

The session ended with Jack suggesting ways to improve communication and understanding between us. As we left the office, emotions were still raw, especially for Jennifer. Tears flowed as we walked to the car, a mix of guilt and vulnerability evident in her eyes.In an attempt to comfort her, I wiped away her tears, assuring her that we were working through it. Her response, however, conveyed a deep sense of remorse. As we discussed our feelings in the car, I emphasized that mistakes happen and expressed my gratitude for her commitment to therapy.

Deciding to skip the dinner plans, we opted for cookies and takeout, creating a cocoon of comfort at home. Together, we journaled our thoughts, taking a small but significant step towards healing and understanding.

The journey of our relationship continued, a story still unfolding, to be continued...

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