Jenn's Bday- La Vie En Rose

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Ben's pov

Fast forward to July 24th, I woke up with a burst of excitement, fully aware that today marked the eagerly anticipated day – Jennifer's birthday. The sun streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow in the room. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was time to kick off the day's festivities.

I gently nudged Jennifer awake with a soft "Happy birthday, love." Her eyes sparkled with a mix of surprise and joy as she took in the room adorned with balloons and decorations. "Is all this for me?" she exclaimed, her hand instinctively resting on her baby bump.

"Every bit of it," I replied with a grin. "But first, let's start your special day with breakfast at your favorite restaurant, just the two of us."

We headed to the quaint little café where we had shared countless memories. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the clinking of silverware against porcelain filled the air. We settled into a cozy corner, surrounded by the buzz of the morning crowd.

As we perused the menu, the charming aroma of freshly ground coffee filled the air, creating an inviting atmosphere in the cozy café. Jennifer's eyes, filled with delight, danced over the menu until they landed on her favorite dish. "I'll have the blueberry pancakes with extra maple syrup, please," she declared with a radiant smile, her anticipation adding to the enchantment of the morning.

The waiter, attuned to the special occasion, nodded with a knowing smile. Soon enough, our table transformed into a canvas of delight, adorned with a breakfast feast fit for a queen. The blueberry pancakes arrived, a masterpiece of culinary art, accompanied by the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee. We dove into our breakfast, savoring the flavors that seemed to dance on our taste buds, and relishing the quiet moments shared between us. The soft notes of a piano in the background added a melodic touch to the intimate setting.

Amidst the delightful bites, I couldn't help but steal glances at Jennifer, marveling at the way her eyes lit up with each taste of the delectable pancakes. Her joy became the sweetest accompaniment to our morning celebration, creating a tableau of happiness that lingered in the air.

Once we finished our meal, I handed her a small, intricately wrapped gift box. "Open it," I urged, a sense of anticipation lingering between us. Inside was a delicate necklace with a pendant shaped like a mother and child, a symbol of the beautiful journey we were embarking on.

Jennifer's eyes welled up with tears of joy as she held the precious gift close to her heart, the pendant catching the soft morning light and adding an extra sparkle to the moment. The café, with its warm ambiance and the lingering scent of coffee, became the backdrop to a cherished memory of love and celebration.

The day was just getting started, and our next stop was a luxurious spa for a pampering session. "You deserve all the relaxation in the world," I told her as we entered the serene haven of tranquility. Massages, facials, and a serene atmosphere enveloped us, creating a perfect escape from the outside world.

As we left the spa, the serene atmosphere lingering around us, Jennifer and I settled into the plush interior of the chauffeur-driven Cadillac Escalade awaiting us. The comfortable leather seats cradled us as we embarked on the next leg of our celebratory day.

Jennifer looked at me with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting the relaxation she had just experienced at the spa. "Ben, thank you for arranging this spa day. It was exactly what I needed. I can't remember the last time I felt this pampered."

I took her hand, squeezing it gently. "You deserve every bit of it, Jennifer. Pregnancy can be challenging, and I want to make sure you feel cherished and cared for."

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