The chucky to my Tiffany

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Halloween... October 31st

Jenn's pov

I have been a stay at home mom for the past 2 months and I have been enjoying it. Well I mean I've been a stay at home the past year. No work, movies have already been filmed and done. I feel so amazing to be able to settle in my Georgia home and relax for once. As for my husband.. he's still doing his own thing and... I haven't seen him in almost a month. He's been in Los Angeles.. doing movies, filming.. and directing per usual.. the last time I saw him.. we had a huge fight.. particularly my fault.. but I didn't want him to leave.. and some things were said.... I mean things are good between us now... but we haven't seen each other.. nights were difficult at first.. then having to take the kids to school.. it's.. it's been an adjustment but luckily Cy and Max have their licenses now and they've been driving themselves to school. I miss Ben some days but often times.. I don't really text him.. I... wait for him to text me...

I just finished giving Juni and Raelynn a bath, they both get very energetic after a bath so once I change them, I let them run around and they usually end up falling asleep when they're done. The girls have been very good with me since Ben hasn't been home. Levi.. on the other hand he's been challenging. He's in a stage where all he wants to do is just nurse and it's been taking a toll on me. 3 under 3 is tough but I've somehow managed to do it..

There was a knock at the bedroom door.. which was strange.. the kids all went to the movies and I was home alone with the babies. I set Levi down gently and went to open the door.

Ben was standing there with a bouquet of roses.

"Hi." He said as he looked down at me.

I looked at him and just bursted into tears and hugged him tightly. I let out all my sadness and whatever I was feeling this past month since I haven't seen him in a while.

"Woah.. okay. Princess. I'm sorry for being gone so long..." Ben said and I couldn't even respond back. He held me close and rubbed my back as he let me cry.

"Don't you ever dare leave me again. You do this again and I swear to god Ben, I will divorce you and leave and never look back." I said while crying and holding him tightly.

"Honey. What's the matter? I've been busy, working. How is it my fault that I'm the one who provides for us? I'm doing my best... but since you mentioned divorce.. I don't want to do this anymore.. I'm out.. I'm done.. I am going back to LA... I just need to get my things." Ben said with no emotion and slowly pulled away from me.

"Benjamin... say sike right now..." I said while crying.

"Jenn. I've met someone else. Someone with no kids. I'm giving you 100% custody of the kids. I don't want to do this anymore. I just can't." Ben said and went to go put away his clothes into his luggage.

"What do you mean?? You literally just brought me flowers and now you can't deal with us??" I said and started to cry more as I couldn't take the pain. I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I started to hit Ben and yell at him, not caring if I woke up the kids.

"Jennifer stop!!" He yelled at me and was pushing me away but every time he pushed me, it made me want to swing harder at him.

I continued to hit him and scream at him.

Suddenly, I woke up from a vivid dream where emotions ran high. In the dream, there was yelling and pushing. But as I opened my eyes, I found myself in a different, peaceful reality. Morning light filled the room, and there was Ben, sleeping beside me, holding me close. The contrast between the dream's chaos and the calm reality left me in thoughtful quietude.

"Good morning princess... do you want some Dunkin for breakfast?" Ben asked and I looked at him like he just said something disrespectful to me then punched his arm.

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