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Jennifer's Perspective

The gentle morning light filtered through the curtains as I stirred awake, greeted by the warmth of the sun. My eyes fluttered open, and a soft yawn escaped my lips. Turning my gaze to the side, I found Ben lying beside me, still lost in the tranquility of sleep. Unable to resist, I reached out and tenderly caressed his face, my fingers trailing lightly over his beard. Leaning in, I planted a delicate kiss on his neck, savoring the intimacy of the moment.

"Mh... no... you're in punishment... No sex or kisses on the neck for a few months," Ben mumbled, turning to face me without fully waking.

"But..." I uttered softly, my protest cut short.

"No buts... you have to earn it along with my trust," he asserted, drifting back into slumber.

"Oh well," I sighed, planting a gentle kiss on his back. Playfully, I managed to flip him over, only to discover a mischievous smile gracing his face. "Babe, really?" I exclaimed, slightly annoyed, prompting Ben to burst into laughter upon waking.

"It's hard to stay mad at you because you're just too cute... but I am serious about the sex... I want to wait a bit," he explained, rising from bed. After a quick detour to brush his teeth, he returned, planting a sweet kiss on my forehead and pulling me close. His hand traced soothing circles on my lower back before playfully smacking my ass, eliciting a playful protest.

"So if I can't touch you, you can't touch me," he declared, to which I rolled my eyes in playful defiance.

"But your butt is so big, and it's just there," he teased, pulling me closer and squeezing my ass. I sighed in acquiescence, allowing him his moment.

"Can I take you on a date?" I mumbled against his chest.

He nodded affirmatively. "Sure. I'm not busy today, and business has been taken care of. So..." A warm smile graced his lips.

Sex isn't everything, but it helps. I had messed up big time, and now I needed to earn back Ben's trust. The thought of the kids still weighed heavy on my mind. I had been ready for Ben to meet my children, and the idea of not being allowed to share that with them stung. I wondered about the potential complexities of explaining the situation to my kids, but deep down, I trusted Ben to handle it with care.

We spent another quiet hour in bed, relishing the simple joy of each other's presence.

Ben's Perspective

Glancing at the clock, I sighed softly, taking in the serene sight of Jennifer peacefully sleeping beside me. Slowly sitting up, I reached for my phone and sent a text to my best friend, Matt. He was already aware of the situation between Jennifer and me, and I needed some advice on how to navigate the delicate path ahead.

       B: "Hey, Jenn asked me out on a date tonight and I am a bit hesitant... I do love her but
Bro, what do I do...?
M: "What do you mean? What is making you feel hesitant about the date?"
B: "I told her I don't want her meeting my kids until I feel like I can trust her again
and I just can't get the look of her being upset out of my head. It's like engraved into
my memory of how upset she looked... but then also I keep reminding myself that she
is a good person but just knowing she was messing around with someone hurts... still.
Maybe I am just still traumatized from my ex cheating on me and all I see now is my ex whenever
I look at Jennifer... I don't want to look at her that way... but maybe I shouldn't have jumped into
a relationship so fast...?"
M: "Woah. Okay well this is odd coming from the man that was raving about how amazing
she is... stop comparing your past traumas with Jenn first off... your ex was trash and I even
tried warning you from the beginning... But I don't have anything bad about Jennifer so far...
I know she messed up but if you really can't deal with it, then take her to therapy with you... it
sometimes helps to have a third person there to help you figure out what you want from your
relationship... don't be afraid of going, Jenn is not going to cheat on you with your therapist..."
B: "Alright. I'll talk to her about it.. thanks bro, you are the best. Truly.
M: "No worries. I always got your back."
I put my phone down and sighed then went to go take a shower. Jennifer stayed asleep while I showered. Once I finished, I got out and dried off with a towel then looked over and saw Jennifer asleep still. I walked over to her and softly shook her softly. She moved a bit in her sleep then slowly woke up and looked up at me.

"Good morning once more, it's already 11:30," I greeted, and she peered at me with a sleepy gaze. A gentle smile played on my lips as I admired her adorable dishevelment. Leaning down, I tenderly caressed her cheek, savoring the quiet beauty of the moment.

With a languid grace, she rose from the bed and headed for the shower. Undressing in my presence, she seemed to anticipate the familiar playful gesture of a cheeky smack on her behind. However, I surprised her by a rare moment of restraint, choosing to avert my eyes and afford her the privacy she deserved. Walking past her, I could sense her silent expectation, but I maintained my focus on the path ahead.

"Babe... Aren't you forgetting something?" she inquired softly as I continued to dress in the closet.

"No, why?" I replied, oblivious to the subtle longing in her eyes.

Jenn sighed softly as I walked away. Standing naked, she waited for my acknowledgment, her gaze following me with a mixture of frustration and anticipation.

Completing my morning routine, I descended to the kitchen and prepared breakfast, the aroma of coffee and warmth filling the air. An extra plate adorned the table, a gesture of consideration for Jennifer. Eventually, she descended the stairs, draped in my t-shirt.

"Hey, I made you breakfast," I announced with a soft smile. She nodded appreciatively, grabbing her plate before coming over to plant a kiss on my lips and taking her seat.

"Thank you for breakfast," she murmured, her smile revealing a hint of gratitude.The serene atmosphere lingered for a while before I mustered the courage to broach the topic of counseling. Finishing my meal, I locked eyes with her, the weight of the conversation apparent.

"There's something I want to discuss with you. I come to you with good intentions, and I hope you understand that. I think we should consider couples therapy. There are still some issues we need to address if we want this to work," I expressed, taking a sip of my coffee. Jenn paused, her gaze meeting mine.

"I..." She swallowed, then sighed softly, nodding. "Okay, I'll go. Can I ask why we need therapy?"

"Because mature individuals seek help to heal and grow. It's about becoming better for ourselves and for each other," I responded, placing my empty plate in the sink and returning to the table. Jenn, though silent, seemed on the verge of tears, yet she held them back, sipping her tea and continuing her meal in contemplative silence.

To be continued...

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