Cy's big date

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Cy's perspective

My mom and dad nervously assisted me in choosing an outfit, and as I descended the stairs, I felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety – my heart practically lodged in my throat. I had applied cologne, hoping it would hide the fact that I was this nervous.

"Hmm, you smell so good," my mom remarked, embracing me.

"Nice choice, bud," my dad nodded approvingly.

"Oh, also, these are for Mari," my mom handed me a small bouquet of roses.

"Ohhh, she'll love these," I managed to say with a nervous smile. "Thanks for everything," I added, hugging them tightly.

"Of course. We love you, and we hope you have fun tonight," my dad said with a reassuring smile.

After bidding my last goodbyes, I set out to pick up Mari. On the way there, nervousness intensified; I really liked her, and I was acutely aware that she liked me too. This was our first real date.

Pulling up to her house, just 10 minutes away, roses in hand, I rang the doorbell. Mari opened the door, stunning in a blouse, black jeans, and cute sandals. Her beauty left me speechless.

"H-hi..." I stammered, completely captivated.

"Hi Cy bear," Mari smiled, taking the roses as I handed them to her. She said goodbye to her parents, and we left together. Opening the car door for her, she smiled.

"Thank you," Mari said, stealing a nervous yet sweet kiss before getting in.

I kissed back, smiling at her, closed the door, and took a deep breath as we drove off to the restaurant.

"So, what's your take on Italian food?" I questioned, as I felt calm in her presence, I gained the confidence to hold her hand.

At a red light, I turned to meet her gaze, and in a flirty tone, Mari leaned in for another kiss, responding, "I'm all about Italian... you've got me figured out already."

I kissed back and blushed softly. "Okay." I nodded softly.

As we enjoyed the quiet moments together, a sense of peace enveloped us, creating a serene atmosphere filled with the warmth of love. The ride to the restaurant was accompanied by sweet melodies, making each passing moment a delightful preview of the evening.

Upon arriving, I smoothly parked the car, took the lead, and stepped out with growing anticipation. Opening Mari's door with a courteous gesture, I admired her graceful poise in the ambient glow of streetlights. As she emerged into the night, I closed the car door gently behind her. Drawing her close, I whispered in her ear, expressing sincere admiration as my fingertips traced the subtle contours of her sides. "You look beautiful tonight, just as gorgeous as any other day."

Mari blushed deeply, pressing her forehead against mine, our eyes locking in a shared gaze as our matching heights brought us eye to eye. "Thank you," she whispered, and with that, she kissed me. Returning the kiss, I gently rubbed her sides, enjoying the tender moment between us.

Hand in hand, I guided Mari into the restaurant, confidently requesting, "Table for two, under Affleck," to the nodding hostess who promptly escorted us to our designated table.

Mari looked around, visibly impressed by the restaurant's charm. It was a modest yet elegant fine dining establishment, creating a perfect ambiance for our evening together.

"This is just perfect," Mari beamed as we settled into our seats across from each other. I nodded, completely agreeing, as we decided on our drinks.

Mari chose tea, and I went for a Diet Coke. After the waitress left, I couldn't help but gaze at Mari, enchanted by her beauty and how utterly perfect she looked.

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