You got the best of me

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The following morning...

Ben's Perspective

As I awoke from a short nap, my thoughts were consumed with ensuring Juni's well-being. Jennifer lay soundly asleep, her gentle snores filling the room.I tried to slip out of bed, but Jennifer's hand latched onto my arm, holding me in place. Her warmth and the softness of her touch made it difficult for me to break free.

"Mh mh. You're mine, and you're staying right here," Jennifer mumbled sleepily.

"Babe, I need to use the bathroom," I whispered, attempting to gently pry her hand away.

"I don't care. Hold it. I want your cuddles," she retorted, her eyes still closed.

With a resigned sigh, I nestled back beside her. I carefully replaced Jennifer's saniderm patch with a fresh one and began massaging her sides.

"These hurt," she complained, guiding my hands towards her breasts. I massaged her, watching as she drifted back into slumber. After a few minutes of this tender massage, I tried to sneak out once more, discreetly heading to the bathroom. After tending to my needs and getting dressed in comfortable attire, I decided to prepare breakfast for the kids, my mother, my mother-in-law, and Jennifer.

In just under an hour, I had created a lavish spread of eggs, sausages, potatoes, bacon-infused grits, pancakes, and homemade banana bread. I made several trips upstairs to serve everyone, aiming to give them a hotel-like experience.

As I approached Jennifer's room with a tray of food, I gently placed it on her lap and tried to wake her. Her lips met mine as she responded with a kiss, her hand sliding down to gently stroke my cock.

"Jenn...I just came to bring you breakfast," I protested, a soft moan escaping me.

"I know, but I wanted to give you some love," she whispered, gazing into my eyes with a seductive look and biting her lip.

"Eat your breakfast first. We can't have fun; I don't want you to hurt yourself," I cautioned, gently pulling away."Fine," Jenn pouted, turning her attention to her breakfast.

Suddenly, a loud, unpleasant fart and an even worse smell filled the room. My shocked gaze landed on Jennifer.

"There's no way that came from such a tiny body," I exclaimed, covering my nose with my shirt as I realized Juni had a messy diaper.

"Oh, no," I muttered, trying not to gag as I carefully picked up Juni and headed to the changing station.

"JENNIFER, OH MY GOD!" I panicked, getting some of the mess on my hand, all the while Jenn was enjoying the situation, laughing.

"That's what you get for being mean yesterday. My daughter has my back," Jenn laughed, as I quickly cleaned up my hands and disposed of Juni's soiled clothes.

I cleaned Juni with baby wipes and changed her into fresh clothes. Jenn sat on the bed, laughing heartily, her sore abs making it hard for her to contain herself.I rushed to the bathroom, retching into the toilet. Jennifer, still in a fit of laughter, commented, 

"Oh my god. It's just baby poop. This is great," as she tried to calm down.

Once I was done, I flushed the toilet and headed to the sink to brush my teeth. Jennifer slowly got up, discarded the dirty diaper, and cleaned her hands before coming over to pick up Juni, who was now fussy and hungry. "It's okay, Momma is here, my little cutie," she cooed, soothing the baby and humming 'Sweet Caroline' softly.

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