A new milestone

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Jennifer's Perspective

The echoes of laughter lingered in the air as the kids and I wrapped up a delightful lunch at Nobu. Swiftly, we made our exit, dodging the persistent paparazzi in pursuit.

"Everyone okay?" I asked, sliding into the car's backseat just in time for our quick getaway. As the driver sped off, the paparazzi in their car were left trailing behind.

"Fine, but it's irritating, Mom, always being followed. Especially when you're not around," Max voiced the shared sentiment, with Emma nodding in agreement.

"I know, sweetheart. I'm sorry, but it's part of the deal," I replied, a soft sigh escaping me as I pulled them close.

Amidst the hustle, my phone interrupted the moment. Retrieving it from my bag, I answered the call.


"Hey gorgeous, it's Ben. Got a film thing in Paris in four days—a festival. Want to come?"

"Where and when?" 

"In Paris, as I mentioned. In four days. Are you up for it?"

"I'll need to check with Benny and the nanny first."

"Benny gave the green light. You're free for the next two weeks. He even suggested you go. Tickets are sorted."

"Well then, I guess I'm in," I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Great. I'll see you later. Love you, gorgeous."

"I love you more, babe."

As we disconnected, Emme playfully rolled her eyes at the exchange.

"You two lovebirds," she teased, provoking laughter.Back home, I headed to my closet to pack. Max joined me, questioning if they were part of the Parisian adventure.

"Do you guys want to go? But you have school..." I hesitated, secretly hoping they'd opt for solitude.

"We'd love to, but if you and Ben want alone time, Emme and I understand. We can stay with Dad for two weeks," Max suggested, his smile hinting at a hidden agenda.

"What's your plan" I laughed, sensing a plot.

"There's an anime expo in Orlando, and Dad said he'd take us if you say yes," Max admitted.

"How long?" I asked, considering the request.

"Three days," Max nervously replied.

"That's three days without school, Mom," Emme added softly, joining her brother's plea.

"Alright, fine," I conceded.

Their excitement was palpable as they thanked me profusely. A quick text to their dad confirmed the plan, and I looked up to see their radiant smiles.

"Dad's picking you up tomorrow, flying in from Colorado," I announced.

"Yay!" Emme exclaimed.

As they went to pack, the doorbell rang. Opening the door, I found Ben holding freshly baked cookies and flowers.

"Hey princess, made you some cookies. How about a hangout tonight to meet my kids? I wanted to ask in person," Ben proposed.

"Yes! I'd love to meet them!" I exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

As we savored cookies, Ben shared endearing tales of his children, and I couldn't help but anticipate the joy of meeting them.

The day had arrived, and I was about to meet the love of my life's children. I could only hope they would welcome me with open hearts.

To be continued...

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