Practice makes perfect... right..?

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Date: September 4, 2023Jenn's Perspective

The clock read 8:00 AM, and I knew my usual workout was scheduled for 8:30. With a slow, deliberate motion, I rose from the comfort of our bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, careful not to wake Ben. He was in a deep slumber, cradling our sleeping daughter, Juni.

As I prepared for the day, I couldn't help but notice the daily struggle of bending down to put on my sneakers. Some days were easier, and on others, my back ached terribly. After grabbing some water and my keys, I set off for the gym. There, I met my workout buddies, Leah and Stevie. Our session was relatively straightforward for me, but it proved challenging for Leah and Stevie, not accustomed to lifting heavy weights.

After our workout, I glanced over at a panting Stevie, sprawled on the floor. I chuckled and shook my head, asking, "You okay?" 

He gasped for breath and managed a weak response, "Not really... but I'll survive. How do you make it seem so easy?"

I smiled and explained, "Well, I'm a dancer, so I'm used to high levels of adrenaline. Lifting weights comes naturally, and it's particularly beneficial during my pregnancy, as it prepares my body for childbirth."

Leah chimed in with a teasing tone, "Jenn's just naturally perfect, that's all."I playfully rolled my eyes, saying, "Oh, stop it!"

Leah shifted the topic, inquiring, "How's Ben doing?"

"He's been great, surprisingly more helpful with the kids than usual," I replied. "On my low-energy days, he steps up, and the other day, he even treated me to an amazing massage."Stevie chimed in with a playful twist, "By 'massage,' she means something else."

I blushed and laughed, replying, "Maybe."

Leah brought up the subject of the previous day, asking, "So, how was yesterday?""It was rather uneventful. I stayed in, didn't even indulge in online shopping; I was just too nauseated and tired," I admitted. "You know, it's a rollercoaster – some days, I'm full of energy, and others, I can barely move."

Stevie reassured me, "Just hang in there; you're almost at the finish line. Ten days or less, and your nervousness will give way to joy."

I nodded, sharing my worries, "True, but I can't help but be anxious."

Leah askde about the people at the birth, "Who's going to be there with you?"

"It's just going to be my mom and Ben initially. The kids will stay home until Ben tells Violet to bring them," I explained. "But of course, you guys and Benny are the exceptions. I don't want the whole family, just the kids, Ben, my mom, and you two. If anyone else asks, please say no. And, please, no photos; I'm getting professional pictures of my baby girl."

Leah and Stevie agreed, and we were handed protein lattes by our trainer. After a few sips, we decided to head home.

When we arrived at my house, Ben greeted me with a warm smile and a tight hug, despite my post-workout sweat.

"Let's go," he said, playfully smacking my behind as I passed him.

We exchanged greetings with Leah and Stevie, who promised to return for dinner. Ben and I made our way to our bathroom upstairs.

Once I was undressed, Ben couldn't resist the temptation to caress my breasts. I glanced back at him with a soft smirk, and he openly admired my physique.

"You look incredibly sexy, Jenn," he remarked, almost involuntarily.

I teased him with a playful tone, "Well, I know."

After my shower, he was still entranced by my wet body. "Hello...? I need a towel," I reminded him, and he snapped out of it to fetch one.

"Sorry, love," he apologized as he handed me a towel. I dried off, got dressed, and began my skincare routine.

A knock on the door interrupted us, and Ben went to answer it. The UPS deliveryman handed over a large box for Ben to sign.

"What did you order this time?" Ben asked, placing the box on the bathroom counter.

"Open it," I suggested, smiling as I applied moisturizer.

Ben revealed a lifelike baby doll that began to cry as soon as he touched it. Although the doll's expression remained static, it was designed for practicing baby care.

Ben raised an eyebrow, questioning my choice. "Jenn, seriously? I've raised three kids. I'm not doing this."

I playfully scolded him, "Hey, is that how you plan to treat our daughter when she arrives?"

Ben reluctantly took the baby doll, but his attempt to stop the crying was far from gentle. "Why did you order this?" he asked, frustrated.I explained, "I wanted to see how you'd handle caring for a baby. It's been a while since you've had to do it, and you're six years older than me. I thought this could be a fun way to get some practice and bond before our baby comes."

Ben wasn't convinced, grumbling, "This is embarrassing and pointless."

I encouraged him, saying, "Hold the doll as if it were our newborn."

Ben crossed his arms, refusing, "No, I'm not doing this."

I appealed to Sera, who entered the room, asking if she could hold the doll. She effortlessly soothed the crying doll.

I pleaded with Ben, "Even Sera can do it without hesitation. Why can't you?"

He dismissed the idea, insisting, "Because it's absurd. Return it."I sighed, "Fine. If you're not up for it, I understand. I'm sorry for trying to help us both prepare for the challenges of the newborn stage."

As tears welled up, I added, "I know those sleepless nights and exhaustion will test us, and I just wanted to ease into it. But if you don't want to, it's okay."

I went to lay down for a nap, and as I tossed and turned, my discomfort continued.

To be continued...

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