Apology accepted...

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Jennifer's Perspective

I entered our room, and Ben immediately reached for my arm.

"Babe?" he said, clearly concerned about my distress.

"Who is she?" I asked, my voice tense.

"Who is who? I don't know anyone else but my wife," Ben replied, throwing his hands up, trying to convey his innocence.

"Who is she? She called me looking for you! Don't pretend you don't know!" I snapped, frustration evident in my voice.

"Jennifer Lynn, I honestly have no idea who you're talking about, and I don't appreciate you getting in my face," Ben said, avoiding my gaze as I confronted him.

"Fine. Who is she? A woman called me asking for you, claiming she was given my number to reach you," I said, stepping back slightly.

"I have not given my number to anyone. I swear," Ben stated, looking at me sincerely.As Ben's phone rang, I instructed, "Give me your phone. Now." I extended my hand, expecting a hesitant reaction, much like I'd experienced with Alex.Without hesitation, Ben handed me his phone. I unlocked it and checked the incoming message.

Ana: "You still coming next week?☺️🤍"

I looked up at him, frustrated. "Who the hell is Ana?" I demanded.

"My ex-girlfriend," Ben replied, looking at me without a hint of emotion.

"Okay... And what's going on? Why is she texting you? Was she the one who called me earlier?" I asked, seeking answers.

"No, I don't know, but... I have to tell you something about her," Ben replied hesitantly, sighing nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

I scrutinized him as I noticed his discomfort. "Okay?" I said, folding my arms.

"She's gay. And she has a crush on you," Ben admitted, his tone sincere.

"Bullshit," I snapped in disbelief.

"Okay, I'll call her," he suggested. He dialed her number and put the call on speaker so I could hear the conversation.

After a few rings, she answered. "Yo," Ana greeted.

"Hey. Quick question. On a scale of 1-10, how gay are you?" Ben asked.

"Gay enough to steal your woman from you," Ana teased.

"Oh, cut it out," he teased back.

"Well, you asked," Ana chuckled.

"Alright. Just asking because Matt is asking," Ben lied.

"Alright. Anyways, are you still coming over next week after the commercial for Matt's surprise party?" Ana asked. "Yeah. I'll bring Jenn too," Ben replied, glancing at me.

"Sounds good. Can't wait to see her gorgeous self again," Ana playfully remarked.

"Oh, behave. She's mine," Ben chuckled.

"Whatever. See you next week! Byeeeee!" Ana said. "Bye," Ben responded, ending the call.

"See?" he said, attempting to ease my concern.

"That still doesn't explain who called me," I pointed out, my voice soft."It's okay, babe- I—" Ben was about to continue but was interrupted as he looked at my phone ringing again.He took my phone from my hand, checking the number and reading it. "Hm... I'll answer this one," Ben said, taking the call."Hello?" he said."Ben? Oh my god. I've been trying to reach you. It's Lindsay," the woman on the other end said. (Lindsay Shookus, SNL producer and Ben's ex-girlfriend)

"Lindsay? Hey, how are you?" Ben greeted her warmly.

"Hey, handsome. I've been good. I missed you. How have you been?" she asked.

"Really good, just spending time with my wife and kids," Ben replied, his fingers playing with the strap of my shirt as he stared at my chest. I rolled my eyes and glared at him.

"Oh, you're married?" Lindsay replied.

"Yeah, my wife and I just got married on July 16th," Ben replied, poking my side to get me to stop glaring at him.

"Oh, interesting. Congrats, I guess. Well, I've got to go. Bye, handsome," Lindsay said before ending the call.

"Congrats, I guess. Darn woman," I mocked her, glaring at Ben.

"Babe, relax. She's not in my contacts, and I've changed my number. That's probably why she called you. I'm sorry she called you, though. I promise nothing is going on. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you like that idiot did," Ben reassured me. He got down on one knee and took my left hand, kissing the ring on my ring finger. "I placed this ring on your finger and made a vow to be with you for infinity and beyond. I won't mess this up for both of us just because of some blonde. I love you, Jennifer. I truly do. More than anything. I'd do anything for you. If you want me to jump off the balcony, I would." Ben admitted his love for me, and I nodded softly, gazing at him.

"Okay... I love you too. I'm sorry for being mean... I still have that nagging voice in my head that makes me doubt myself sometimes, even though our therapy has helped us. I'm still scarred from Alex," I confessed, my voice soft, my gaze downcast.

"Babe, I get it. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably react the same way. I love you," Ben said, lifting me up.

I looked at him and kissed him passionately. He kissed me back, and a grin appeared on his face. He then gently set me down on the bed. Hastily locking the door, he returned to me. "Let me make it up to you for the stress you went through," he said, removing my pants and moving my panties aside.

"Babe, it's okay, I—oh... hmm..." I moaned as he buried his face between my legs, swiftly inserting his tongue between my folds to lick my clit. He sucked on it and nibbled gently before sliding a finger inside me."Hmm... don't stop," I moaned as I ran my fingers through his hair while he expertly fingered me, fast and deep. My body heated up as I felt him work his magic on me. Our eyes met as he maintained eye contact. He rubbed my clit quickly while finger-banging me. I moaned and cried out his name as I felt my orgasm building. "Babyyyyy," I gasped, gripping my breasts through my shirt. "Fuck," I whimpered as I climaxed, experiencing a rush of pleasure throughout my body. Ben withdrew his fingers and licked my juices off them before giving my pussy a playful smack. I whimpered softly and begged him to get inside me.

"I have work to finish," he smirked as he rubbed my sensitive folds between his fingers.

"I hate you," I whispered as he slowly pulled away.

"No, you don't," he smirked and kissed me. I kissed him back and grinned as I got dressed. Ben left the room shortly after.

To be continued...

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