Mom or stepmom...?

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It was the following day, and Cy and Max were already at their dad's house. It was now time for Jennifer to meet Ben's kids, a moment filled with nervous excitement for her.

Ben's Perspective

I was already awake and texting the mother of my kids, asking her to bring them over around 12:30. It was currently 10:45 AM. Leaving the office room, I headed to our bedroom.

"Babe, wake up," I whispered softly, knocking on the door. Entering, I found Jennifer fast asleep, snoring lightly. I chuckled and gently shook her.

"Princess, wake up," I cooed, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.Jennifer stirred and mumbled in her sleep, turning onto her side.

I chuckled, then gently pulled her closer, and she snuggled into me while continuing to sleep."Jennifer, today we're spending time with the kids, babe," I said softly, playing with her hair. Jennifer mumbled in her sleep, "What time?"

"12:30, but it's 10:48 now," I replied, checking my watch.

"Oh no!" Jennifer exclaimed, suddenly sitting up and rushing to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I laughed as I watched her hurriedly move.I decided to join her in the shower, wanting to help calm her nerves. Even though she didn't express it, I could tell she was panicking.I stopped her from rushing and pulled her close. "Baby, relax. They might be a little late; my ex-wife usually stops by the nearby Dunkin' Donuts, so don't worry too much. They'll be fine. Just remember, the kids will love you. Treat them as if they were Max and Cy and maybe another Cy" I said with a soft laugh.

"Okay... I just want to make a good first impression," Jennifer replied, her voice trembling slightly.

"Of course, you will. You're the best mom, girlfriend, and person ever. You're sweet, kind, and gentle with everyone, and you have an amazing personality. They'll love you," I assured her."Thank you, baby," Jennifer said, and I let her continue her shower. I stepped out, got dressed, and went downstairs to prepare some snacks and food. I put the pigs in a blanket and cookies in the oven, making sure everything was ready.

At 12:20 PM, Jennifer came downstairs dressed in a lovely green silk spaghetti-strap top, blue capris, Christian Dior sandals, and gold jewelry. Her hair cascaded down in its natural curls.I was amazed by her beauty, as I always am. Jennifer was perfect to me with or without makeup. I walked up to her, took her hand, and spun her around, hyping her up."Wow, you look stunning, as always. So perfect," I praised her before gently kissing her, making sure not to smudge her lip gloss."You remembered without me having to tell you," Jennifer said, giggling.

"Of course. You don't have to tell me twice, my love," I replied, pushing her hair away from her face as I admired her beauty. She smiled and blushed.

As we were lost in each other's gazes, the doorbell rang unexpectedly. I checked my watch and noted it was 12:25. Jennifer was early, which surprised me since she usually arrived around 12:37 or 12:40.

"She's here, babe, and the kids too," Jennifer nervously informed me, stepping away. I chuckled and went to answer the door."Hey," Jennifer greeted and smiled at both me and Jennifer.

"Hi!" Jennifer responded with a smile, waving at the kids.

The children entered and gazed at Jennifer in amazement.

"Hi, I'm Jennifer. I've been looking forward to meeting you, cuties!" Jennifer said with a warm smile.

"I'm Violet," Violet introduced herself, hugging Jennifer tightly. Jennifer returned the hug and was pleasantly surprised by how affectionate Violet was.

"Sorry, I'm a hugger," Violet added, laughing softly.

"It's okay, baby. So am I," Jennifer replied with a smile.

"I'm Seraphina," she said shyly, taking a step behind me and her mom.

"It's okay, honey. I don't bite," Jennifer reassured her, giggling softly.

"Hi," Samuel exclaimed, rushing into Jennifer's arms and cuddling up to her.

"Hello, honey," Jennifer giggled, embracing him and smiling.

Jennifer and I exchanged a few words and shared a moment of appreciation before Jennifer took her leave.

"We should get coffee sometime," Jennifer suggested to Jennifer.

"Of course, I'd love that," Jennifer agreed, smiling.

They exchanged numbers and had a brief conversation. I led the kids inside and allowed them to grab some food and drinks.

Jennifer returned inside after Jennifer left.

"That's funny; my mom has the same name as you," Samuel remarked, chuckling.

"Right! It's pretty cool!" Jennifer giggled and continued to get to know the kids.I smiled, watching them and chiming in when necessary. It was heartwarming to see Jennifer connect with the kids so well, especially when Seraphina overcame her shyness, and it was evident how much she and Cy had in common.

As we prepared to leave for dinner, we all got into my Range Rover. During the car ride, Jennifer kept the kids engaged in conversations, allowing me to relax and simply enjoy their interactions.When we arrived at the restaurant, my little chatterboxes and Jennifer got out of the car, excited to be together. We headed inside, picked our table, and I mostly listened as the kids and Jennifer had numerous conversations. Although I didn't get many words in, I was content, as it was essential for the kids to connect with Jennifer during this dinner.

To be continued...

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