Choose your words wisely

334 14 11

Ben's Perspective

A heavy sigh escaped me as the realization of what had just occurred settled in. Our kids had returned and settled down at the dinner table.

"Where's mom?" inquired Violet.

"She went outside for some fresh air; she wasn't feeling well," I replied, offering a soft smile. Jenn returned and took the only available seat, next to me.

"Mom, are you okay?" Cy asked, concerned.

"Of course, sweetie. I just felt a bit queasy and upset," Jenn replied, her gaze briefly locking with mine when she mentioned feeling "upset."

I returned her gaze, and she discreetly sent me a photo of my flask from the car. I sighed as I saw the image, and she looked at me, a mixture of disappointment and disgust in her eyes.

Sera noticed something was wrong. "Dad, are you all right?" she asked, her concern evident.

"Of course, darling. I'm just a bit tired," I assured her with a nod.

"I can't believe you're doing this. Now I have to clean up the mess you're starting once again," Jenn whispered in my ear, pinching my side hard.

I struggled to stifle a groan as I turned to look at her. "You're not going to humiliate me in front of our children," I whispered back in a stern tone. She met my gaze with a withering look, detecting the scent of alcohol on my breath.

"So, Mom, anything new today?" Sera asked, trying to change the subject.

"Not much, sweetie, just that I landed a role in 'Magic Mike,'" Jenn said with a soft laugh.

"Mom, a stripper again?" Max chuckled.

"Not exactly, more like the girlfriend of a stripper," Jenn nodded.

"I'm sure it'll be great. What do you think, Dad?" Violet asked.

"I truly don't mind as long as your mom is happy and comfortable with what she's doing," I replied with a smile, turning my gaze to Jenn, who was staring at me intently. I leaned in to kiss her, but she turned her head, offering her cheek. She giggled softly and cited "lip gloss" as her excuse. I forced a smile and removed my hand from hers. She then stepped on my toes hard, causing me to pull away.

"How was school today?" I asked, trying to engage the kids in conversation.

"It was slow but kind of fun. We had choir today, which I enjoyed," Sam replied with a smile.

"That's wonderful to hear, sweetheart!" Jenn chimed in, genuinely pleased for Sam.

"School was alright, just the usual," Violet said.

"Same here," Sera added.

We placed our orders with the waiter, and the kids chatted among themselves. I put my arm around Jenn's chair, drawing her closer.

"Don't touch me," Jenn whispered, her voice cold.

"You're my wife. I can touch you if I want," I asserted, locking eyes with her.

"You're not my husband today or for the rest of the week. You're going back to rehab. I can't tolerate this behavior any longer," Jenn whispered firmly in my ear. I glared at her.

"I'm not going back. I only had one drink; you're overreacting," I argued.

"Then pack your things and leave. I won't tolerate an abusive alcoholic around my children," Jenn hissed in my ear.

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