Those eyes

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Jennifer's Pov
It had been only two days since Ben has left... I was still taking time to process what happened the other night. Yeah I'm still upset but I did what I had to do to defend myself... I do miss him... When he'd snuggle up with me in the mornings and whisper sweet little nothings in my ear... the way how he caressed my hair when we'd talk...

I started to get emotional and ended up crying. Maybe it's me? Maybe it's the hormones, I don't know but I miss my husband. I curled up in bed and cried myself to sleep.

Leah came over unexpectedly and Violet let her in. She walked up to my room and took off her sandals then cuddled up in bed with me.

"Ben...?" I whispered in my sleep.

"No baby.. it's me... What's wrong..? Violet called me because she said her momma hasn't been feeling well." Leah whispered and stroked my hair softly.

I opened my eyes slowly and turned over to face Leah.

"Ben and I got into an argument... but it was because he accused me of having an affair and claiming that the baby wasn't his... then things turned for the worst and I found out he'd been drinking again... and so I told him to fuck off and to go to rehab.. now I just miss him. The old him..." I whispered as I started to cry again.

"Hey hey, it's okay. Let it out honey... it's normal to feel that way when someone close to you betrays their sobriety and they turn back into that old person they swore they never would be again..." Leah said and comforted me as I cried.

I stayed quiet as I cried and eventually fell asleep. Leah sighed softly then slowly pulled away from me and pulled the covers over me. She placed a soft kiss on my forehead then went to go pick up the kids from school for me.

An hour later, she came back home with the kids and made some homemade chicken soup for them and baked some fresh homemade cookies.

I ended up waking up around 4:30 pm. I walked downstairs to see the kids in the living room doing their homework while watching a movie. Leah was on the couch with them.

"Hi momma!" Max said and smiled at me.

I waved and smiled softly then went to go hug the kids. I sat down beside Leah and snuggled into her.

"The kids have already ate and they had cookies. There's some food for you. I saved you some soup." Leah said and kissed my forehead as she pulled me close.

"I'm not hungry.." I said softly.

"Jenn. You need to eat. You gotta feed the baby." She said as she rubbed my tummy softly.

I sighed and went to go eat some food. To my surprise it was actually really really good. I ate two bowls of soup then went back to sit with Leah and watched movies with the kids the rest of the day.

It was now night time and Leah was about to leave. She said bye to the kids before they ran off upstairs, then her and I went outside.

"Do you really have to go. I don't want you to leave." I said and pouted.

"Yes Jenn. I gotta go. Ang knows I'm here but I gotta go. Sof is coming tomorrow morning from college. I gotta get everything ready." Leah said and smiled softly.

"Well. Alright, thank you for everything. I appreciate it, and I appreciate everything you did for me and the kids today. I truly do." I said and sighed.

"Of course. I would do anything for you honey." Leah smiled and hugged me tight. I hugged back then we both looked into each others eyes and smiled warmly. I leaned in and kissed her softly, kind of expecting her to pull away, but she didn't. She kissed me back and rubbed my hips softly.

I slowly pulled away and looked at her.

"No one can know about this." Leah whispered. "Because I love you." She added.

I nodded softly.

To be continued...

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