2 steps forward, 1 step back

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Jenn's pov

Back to having breakfast....

I looked at Ben and I didn't know how to tell him what I just read, so I showed him the email.

"Good morning, this is Lisa from Universal, we are currently in the works of starting the process of putting a film together for an Action movie. We wanted to know if you were interested in playing the main character for the film." Ben read the message quietly then looked at me.

"Well what are they going to be offering you? And when will they start?" He asked then scrolled up a bit revealing the $95,000 per shoot.

"So if it takes let's say, 100 days to make the movie, you'll be receiving only $9,500,000. It's not bad at all." Ben said and nodded softly.

"I think that's a good deal." I smiled and he nodded.

"Only if you feel like you're ready though. No one is rushing you to make a movie. I want you to fully recover before you make a movie babe." Ben said as he rubbed my arm and pulled me in close to kiss me deeply. "I'm so proud of who you've become.. and I hope you get the role for sure. I'd love to be on set with you all the time and see my hot ass wife do big things. I know you're capable of doing an action movie since I saw you make The Mother." He whispered then kissed me some more. I kissed back and bit his lip softly.

"Thank you baby." I smiled. He nodded and looked at my eyes then my lips then back at my eyes again and kissed me again.

I kissed back and he rubbed my thigh softly.

"You ready to go now?" Ben asked as he took a piece of my left over French toast and ate it.

I nodded and softly wiped the powdered sugar off his chin.

I stood up and fixed my skirt. Ben stood up as well and looked around casually. He saw that paparazzi was hiding in the bushes across the street and they had perfect view of us this whole time.

"Paps have been watching us the whole time babe." He said annoyed.

"Per usual." I sighed and walk with Ben as I pushed the stroller. The babies were sitting in their car seats, which had a special cover on them. The cover was see-through but dark, so people far away couldn't see the babies, but I could still see them up close.

"I don't understand why they can't just let us be by ourselves. Why do they always have to keep an eye on everything we do?" Ben said as we walked back to the car after paying for our meals.

As we were leaving, a male fan who was very excited came up to us to take a picture. He was so excited that he got too close to us without realizing it. Without any hesitation, Ben quickly stepped in between the fan and me and the other girls to protect us. The situation was intense and made me feel scared and vulnerable, but I felt better knowing that Ben was there to keep us safe. I can't even put into words how grateful I was for him in that moment. These are the exact situations that I had been fearing and hoping would never happen again. Even though there may be people who genuinely want to meet us, we can never really know their true intentions. A strong feeling of discomfort started to take over me, affecting every part of me. My heart started beating harder and stronger, as if it could burst out of my chest. I was scared for me and the girls.
The man apologized and could sense that I was scared. Even though he seemed kind, I couldn't get rid of the fear I felt. As we walked to the car, the security guards from the nearby plaza came and protected us, making sure we were safe while we put the car seats in the car.

Ben opened the door for me and stood by my side as I got in. Before closing the door and getting in the driver's seat, he gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead. He was angry with the person who had made me feel uncomfortable. Ben knows me well enough to recognize when I'm stressed or anxious. As we began driving, he let out a soft sigh and held my hand.

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