
203 9 1

March 11th

Ben's pov

I finished picking up the pages that were scattered all over my desk from.. being busy... Jennifer had just left my office since we had lunch and I was trying to focus but all I could think about was her... I was remembering what just happened 15 minutes ago...

"Sir..?" My new intern asked as she walked in after Jennifer left.

"Sir??" She said again trying to get my attention.

"Mr Affleck??" Olivia said once again and I finally snapped out of it.

"Huh?" I said and looked up at her.

"Your daughter is here for her interview with Jacob. Do you want her to come to your office first or go straight to Jacob's?" She asked.

"What..? It's today?" I said and completely forgot.

"Yes.. so do you want her to come in?" She asked again.

"No. Let her do her thing, I don't want to make her nervous. I want her to see what it's like to be a grown up. She's only 18 but still." I said and thought I was doing the best thing for Violet.

"You got it, sir." Olivia said.

I chuckled softly. "Liv, it's okay. Just call me Ben." I smiled.

"Okay.. Ben.." she said and had a flirty tone. Before leaving. One of my favorite things about Olivia is that she's attentive and respectful.. yet she's a little flirty at times. I mean it's her personality but she.. she gets me. Lisa Marie just annoyed me and didn't get my routine down. Liv does, she knows my Dunkin order, what food to get Jennifer when she's here for lunch, and she also understands my rough drafts for scripts and is able to easily connect with me when discussing ideas or topics.

Liv showed Violet the way to Jacob's office then went back to her desk. I went to open the blinds in my office and saw Violet walk in. I smiled softly and was a bit nervous for her. I mean who wouldn't be nervous for their kid getting their first job... especially as a screen writers assistant.

I went back to looking through tough drafts of scripts that were submitted.

I sighed softly as I glanced at the photo of Jenn and I.... I missed her already. I decided to call her.

"Hi baby, what's going on? I just saw you an hour ago." Jenn said.

"Nothing... I um..I just want to hold you close... because I'm nervous," I admitted, my voice tinged with a mix of emotions.

Concern laced Jenn's response, "Why, darling? What's on your mind?"

"Violet's interview," I confessed, the mention of our daughter's venture into the daunting industry stirring a wave of apprehension.

Jenn, always a source of strength, immediately reassured me, "Oh, sweetheart. She'll be fine. I coached her and everything. She'll do great. I promise, honey."

I nodded, appreciative of Jenn's unwavering support, yet the nagging anxiety persisted. "Okay... I know... it's just I can't handle the fact that our daughter is growing up, Jenn. I'm just nervous. This industry is brutal," I laid bare the raw truth of my emotions.

"Papi," Jenn's voice took on a soothing tone, "when we started out, we didn't have a support system. Now, Violet has both you and me to lean on in the challenging world of the movie industry. She'll thrive, my love."

The weight of our shared history, the struggles and victories, hung in the air. "I know," I replied, my voice carrying a blend of gratitude and trepidation, "but seeing her just reminded me of how tough it was for Matt, Casey, and me."

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