Apologetic or unapologetic?

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Jennifer's Perspective

The morning after Alex's departure left me in a whirlwind of emotions. My attempt to reach out to Ben was met with silence, an unsettling mystery that lingered in the air. Does he know? I can't be sure, but the uncertainty gnaws at me. What on earth am I going to say to him when we finally cross paths?

Feeling the need to untangle the complexities, I dialed Alex to discuss the fate of the businesses we both held shares in.

"Hey, macha," I greeted.

"Hey, baby. Last night was incredible, but we need to part ways, not just personally but also in terms of our businesses. What are your thoughts?" Alex's voice resonated through the line.

"I agree completely. However, there are some businesses you'll need to gracefully exit since I was the one who introduced you to them. But here's the catch—I want to continue supporting your skincare line," he proposed.

"What? No way. I invested my hard-earned money, and you only have a 10% stake. You need to step back. It's my business," I insisted.A

lex calmly responded, "The contracts you signed, specifically on page 13, line 13, state that in the event of a breakup in the state of New York, which we've had, I'll remain connected to the business in some capacity—whether through funding or contribution. It still makes me a shareholder. You know I'll always be loyal to our partnership."

Frustrated, I conceded, "Fine, but you can't interfere in my relationships, come to my house, or be around my kids. Understood?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever makes you happy, gorgeous," Alex replied, leaving a lingering tension in the air.

I hung up and sighed.

New alert text message

B: "Hey... I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out tonight?

The kids are at their moms house.."

I looked at the message and sighed again. Another problem... Ugh whatever... I have to stop making excuses and just go for it..

J: "Hey, yes I am available, I'll be there soon."

I meticulously prepared myself, investing time in perfecting my makeup, hair, and outfit – a chic white t-shirt paired with distressed light-washed jeans and stylish sandals. Glancing at the clock, it read 5:15 PM. Anticipation lingered; perhaps the upcoming dinner would provide an opportunity for us to talk. The uncertainty of whether he would even want to engage in conversation weighed on me.

Despite the notorious LA traffic, I miraculously arrived at his house within 30 minutes. As I parked in the driveway, a moment of reflection in the rearview mirror fueled my resolve. "You've got this. It's your responsibility – the consequences of your choices. Don't try to predict his reaction; focus on facing it," I reminded myself, drawing strength from Benny's earlier text.

Exiting the car, I walked up to the door and pressed the doorbell. When Ben opened it, a warm embrace enveloped me, momentarily dispelling my apprehensions. His hug conveyed a sense of security, momentarily calming my racing thoughts.

"Hi, princess," Ben whispered, kissing my forehead, his thumb gently caressing my cheek. I mustered a soft smile, attempting to conceal the weight of the conversation ahead.

Once inside, he led me to the kitchen, where he had thoughtfully prepared a meal – chicken, veggies, and brown rice. The aroma of the food filled the room, momentarily distracting me from the impending discussion.

"Before we eat, can we talk?" I hesitated, meeting his gaze. "There's something I need to discuss with you before dinner, if that's okay."

"Is it about Alex?" Ben asked, his tone softening. "I've noticed that red Porsche before; it took me a while to realize whose it was, and when I did, I was in disbelief."

"I'm sorry for that," I interjected, taking a deep breath. "The truth is, Alex and I were a couple with shared businesses. Even after breaking up, we continued running those businesses and occasionally... we had a friends-with-benefits arrangement. I ended things with him yesterday, and I didn't expect it to continue—"

Ben interrupted, "So, all this time, after everything I've done, you were involved with another man behind my back?"

"Not exactly, but yes," I confessed nervously. "I was supposed to tell you, but I hesitated. The day you surprised me, I just couldn't bring myself to confess. The only times I was with Alex were four occasions – three before we got together and the fourth was yesterday."

"Okay," Ben nodded, the hurt evident in his eyes. We proceeded to eat in silence, the air thick with uncertainty. I had laid my cards on the table, unsure of how he would respond.After dinner, Ben cleaned up without a word, pointing towards the living room. An uneasy feeling settled in my stomach, reminiscent of childhood rejections. I made my way to the living room.

Finally, Ben joined me, looking into my eyes as he spoke, tears streaming down his face. "I may sound foolish, but I can't comprehend why you did this. Hurt people hurt people, but I won't excuse your actions. I'm deeply disappointed, Jennifer. I want to fix this, not because you deserve it, but because I care deeply about you. I know we can move past this hiccup. You've changed my life for the better, and I want to continue this journey with you. But, understand, there won't be a second chance if something like this happens again. I can't risk my children being exposed to that pain. I need to trust you completely before they meet you."

I nodded, wiping away his tears, and we embraced, crying together. In that moment, I realized the depth of the hurt we had caused each other. Grateful for the chance he was giving me, I knew mending the trust would be a challenging journey.

To be continued...

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