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Ben's pov

September 12th

Jenn and I were having brunch at a restaurant. I was surprised when she asked me to join her to brunch... since Cy had their anxiety attack, we have been talking a bit more.. The kids were staying home this week due to their teachers having district meetings this week.

I was sipping on my mimosa and Jenn looked at me but didn't say anything. "What..?" I said softly.

"Nothing... just thinking.." Jenn said softly as she continued to look at me. "Can you sit beside me?" She added but was a bit hesitant.

"I asked you in the beginning when we got here." I said and got up to sit beside her.

"Shut up, just sit with me." Jenn snapped and rolled her eyes. I sat beside her and she immediately rested her head on my shoulder and leaned against me.

I was surprised since we haven't cuddled in a while. I rested my hand on her thigh and caressed it softly.

"She's going to be a big sister soon." Jenn whispered as she looked at Juni who was asleep in her stroller.

"I know." I said softly.

"I never knew we'd get to this point you know... us coming together again. I thought you'd leave and never come back. And get lost in your drinking." Jenn said softly.

"I never knew I'd be alive for this long." I said without thinking and Jenn slapped my chest.

"Don't say that." She said as she got upset.

"It's an honest thing... I cannot lie. But I don't know..." I said softly as I finished my second mimosa.

"Are you going to get another one?" Jenn asked.

"No, I'm good." I said softly.

"Let's go to the beach?" She asked.

"Sure. Just let me finish my food." I said and finished her plate of food.

"Ben..." She said and smiled softly as she shook her head and giggled.

"Hm?" I said as I finished her food and kissed her. She was a bit hesitant at first but kissed back. She deepened the kiss and slipped her tongue in which caught me off guard a bit but made me happy. I kissed back and swirled my tongue with hers then pulled away when I realized we weren't alone.

She looked at me upset as I cleared my throat and looked around. No one was watching so I leaned in and kissed her again. She kissed back and smiled at me.

"I love you Jenny." I whispered as I grabbed her chin softly to kiss her again.

She kissed back and bit my lip softly. "I love you too.. but... I just don't trust you." Jenn said softly.

"Fair.." I nodded softly and looked forward. The waitress walked by and I asked for the bill.

Jenn looked at me as she caressed the back of my neck softly.

"Are we still going to the beach...?" Jenn asked.

"No.. you can go tho. I'll take a separate car home." I said.

"What??" Jenn said as she got upset again.

"Babe I'm kidding. Yes, we are going to the beach." I said to her and laughed as she had her arms crossed over her chest and was pouting.

"You're mean." She kept pouting and looked away.

"Sometimes." I teased and kissed her cheek as I rubbed her belly.

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