The unexpected event

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In the midst of a busy morning, Jennifer handled back-to-back meetings for her various projects, including JLo Beauty, her lingerie partnership, NuYoRican Productions, real estate, and Delola. Despite the workload, she smoothly balanced work and personal life.

After the meetings, Jennifer met with Benny, who had exciting news. "I've booked you for a big wedding in Italy, and they're willing to pay 15 million for your performance," Benny shared.

Curious, Jennifer asked, "Who are they?"

"They're a wealthy and friendly couple," Benny replied.

Considering her packed schedule, Jennifer declined the offer, stating, "I have too much on my plate, and I don't want to take on more, especially creating a show."

Benny, persistent, asked further. "Come on, Jennifer, this is a massive opportunity to make more money plus take a trip before you do your tour. What's the real reason you're turning it down?"

Jennifer sighed, "I appreciate it, Benny, but I need to focus on my existing commitments. Taking on more right now would be overwhelming, and I want to ensure I deliver my best in everything I do. I also have two small kids who I don't want to leave with the nanny all the time. I want to be present for them." Jenn said softly.

"Okay, I understand. Well have fun tonight." Benny said.

"What's tonight?" Jenn asked

"I thought Ben told you... um... I gotta go." Benny said as he realized he may have almost ruined the surprise. He ended the call.

Jenn's pov

I decided to check on Ben. As I approached, I found him engrossed in reading a book to Raelynn and Juni. The sight of them huddled together, captivated by the story, brought a warm smile to my face. Not wanting to interrupt their bonding moment, I patiently lingered by the doorway, silently cherishing the scene.

Eventually, I decided to give them space and retreated to my room. There, I noticed a new book on my nightstand—Ben's recommendation. Curious, I started reading and discovered it had some steamy scenes—seems Ben's taste in books includes a bit of spice. Chuckling, I got lost in the story, enjoying a brief escape before Ben came back into the room.

An hour later, with the babies fed and peacefully asleep, Ben joined me in our room. "How's the book treating you?" he asked.

"It's disgustingly good," I chuckled, sharing a page that had caught my attention. Ben read it, smirking softly.

"Want me to treat you like that?" he teased, and I nodded, laughter filling the room. As things heated up between us, he abruptly pulled away, locking eyes with me.

""Get ready for a fabulous night. We're off to a premiere party! Rob will enhance your glamour, Chris will work wonders on your hair, and Scott will perform his magic with your makeup," Ben declared, his touch gentle against my cheek.

"Is it a party premiere or a premiere party?" I inquired, and Ben nodded, leaving a delightful sense of anticipation in the air.

Excitement building, I decided to pamper myself with a nail session while waiting. Behind me, Ben approached, massaging my shoulders and neck with sweet affection.

"Can I share something with you?" Ben whispered softly as his hands eased my tension.

"Yes, dear?" I replied.

"I love you so much, and I can't wait for tonight. Our last night before we dive into work tomorrow," he expressed, planting a tender kiss on my head.

"I love you too. Promise you'll be kind to me, both as my husband and the director?" I teased.

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