Thanksgiving part 2

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Ben's pov

As I woke from bed, I noticed Jenn's absence. Curiosity led me downstairs, where I found our moms engaged in a delightful coffee chat. Joining them, I warmly greeted both my mom and mother-in-law.

"Hi, baby. The house looks absolutely gorgeous. I'm thrilled you're closer to us now," my mom beamed as I settled beside Jenn.

"Thank you. Actually, it was Jenn who handled all the interior designing," I proudly shared, wrapping my arm around her waist and planting a tender kiss on her forehead. Jenn responded by resting her hand on my thigh, leaning comfortably against me as the conversation flowed between our moms.

My mom was holding Raelynn, while Juni peacefully dozed off beside the couch in her playpen, cuddling her bottle of milk.

Gazing at Jenn, I marveled at her beauty, captivated by the way she spoke, laughed, and the nuances of her smile. Each subtle detail deepened my love for her. As they continued talking, I softly rubbed her side.

After a few minutes, my mom carefully placed Raelynn in her playpen for tummy time. Lupe and my mom ventured into the kitchen for more Dunkin munchkins, leaving Jenn and me alone in the living room. Surveying the room, I turned my attention to Jenn, showering her neck with soft kisses.

"Good morning, beautiful... you smell so good," I whispered to Jenn. Blushing, she enjoyed the tender kisses.

"Good morning... daddy," Jenn murmured, kissing me and playfully biting my lip. Her teasing escalated as she traced my inner thigh, outlining my bulge and gripping it through my pants.

Trying to suppress a groan, I covered my arousal with a pillow. Jenn giggled, kissing me deeply, and I reciprocated by gripping her ass firmly.

"No, you don't," she whispered, wiping off lip gloss from my lips and ensuring there was none on my chin.

Taking her coffee, I sipped it, surprised to discover a mix of coffee and tequila. "Coffee and tequila?" I whispered.

"Yeah, today is going to be a long day. Might as well have some fun," she winked, reclaiming her coffee. Our moms returned, engaging in conversation and laughter.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, catching us off guard since we hadn't invited anyone. Jenn answered, revealing her dad with her stepmom Lydia and half-sister Valentina. Jenn greeted them, letting them in, and I couldn't help but notice Lupe's smile fading. The unexpected arrival added a layer of tension to the dramatic morning.

"Hi, mami. We miss you so much and wanted to stop by to say hi before heading over to my titi Janette's house," Lydia greeted, offering a smile as she hugged Jenn.

Jenn reciprocated, smiling warmly. "Hi, of course, come on in," she welcomed, ushering them inside.

I was genuinely surprised by their unexpected visit. It had been a while since I last saw her dad, and meeting her stepmom for the first time added an unexpected twist.

Rising to my feet, I extended a greeting, "Pops, cómo estás?" I smiled, embracing David. He hugged me back, patting my back warmly.

"Very good, mijo. We wanted to see you, and I wanted my wife and daughter to meet the two little cuties," David expressed, smiling as he directed his attention to Raelynn and Juniper.

Despite the underlying tension between Lupe and Lydia, the facade of pleasantries remained intact for the sake of the moment.

""Lydia... it's good to see you," Lupe forced a smile.

"Good to see you too, Lupita," Lydia reciprocated with a feigned smile.

Lupe introduced my mom to Lydia, and an air of tension enveloped their conversation. Valentina, shedding her coat, revealed a figure as curvy and beautiful as Jennifer. Sensing the tension, I exchanged a glance with Jenn, who smiled in response.

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