Fire and Desire

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Jennifer's Pov

July 3rd

The world outside was a whirlwind of activity, but in our home, everything seemed calm, for the moment. Ben had ventured out with his mother to prepare for tomorrow's festivities, while Violet had taken the children to purchase a staggering $10,000 worth of fireworks. Meanwhile, I remained at home, tending to Juni's needs, accompanied by my mother.

"How are you feeling, love?" my mother asked, her gaze full of concern.

"I feel good. Just tired and nauseous all the time," I admitted, stifling a yawn.

"Are you pregnant again?" Lupe, my mother, pressed, her tone stern and perceptive.

"Huh?" I stammered, caught off guard by her piercing insight.

"Jennifer," she said firmly, her voice leaving no room for evasion.

"No, mama, I'm not," I replied, unable to meet her gaze.

"Jennifer Lynn Affleck," Lupe intoned, a maternal reproach in her words.

"Mama," I whispered, my eyes diverting to Juni."

I know you are. Those cookies have been sitting on the coffee table for two days, and you haven't touched them at all," she accused, pointing to the untouched cookies.

"They're for decoration," I offered, attempting to buy time to reveal the truth."

Bullshit. Are you pregnant? Just answer my question," Lupe demanded.

"Yes," I finally confessed, my eyes meeting hers in a silent admission of my hidden secret.

"That's all you had to say, mija," my mother replied, enveloping me in a warm, comforting hug, the floodgates of my emotions opening as tears flowed freely.

"Why are you crying, my love?" she inquired, concerned.

"I'm worried that Ben won't fulfill his part and be there for me. I fear the Paris incident might happen again. I'm scared of him relapsing. I'm scared of facing this journey alone, mama. I'm scared he might become like Marc and give up on me when I'm trying my best. All I want is for Ben to be by my side, to support me, and not react negatively when I return to complete my final scenes with Channing. I'm terrified he'll say something hurtful to me," I confessed, releasing my pent-up fears and anxieties, feeling a sense of relief as I bared my soul.

"Oh, honey, it's going to be alright. I'm sure Ben will be there for you. I just know he will," my mother consoled me, offering the reassurance I so desperately needed.I nodded and sighed, casting my gaze downward.

Back with Ben...

Ben's pov

The day pressed on, and my focus shifted to preparing for the evening's grand celebration. I inspected the decorations and ensured that the food was ready, knowing that we were merely three hours away from the commencement of the festivities.

My phone incessantly rang and interrupted my preparations. Annoyed, I answered it without bothering to check the caller ID.

"What?" I snapped impatiently.

"I miss you. How are you doing?" Ana's voice echoed through the line.

"No, no, no. We're not doing this, Ana. I'm happily married. I don't need your drama. Goodbye," I retorted, my irritation evident, as I hung up.

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