8.15 pt 2

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Party time

Ben's Pov

We made it to the venue and then went inside to see the venue was pitch black. A bright spotlight was shined onto me and I still couldn't see anything.

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEN!!!" The jubilant crowd erupted in cheers and smiles as they celebrated my special day

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BEN!!!" The jubilant crowd erupted in cheers and smiles as they celebrated my special day. The soft, dimmed lights revealed an enchanting venue that left me awestruck. It was like the place was tailor-made for me, everything painted in my favorite color - black.I couldn't help but smile as I glanced at Jenn, who was capturing the moment on video. Playfully, I chuckled and pulled her into a warm embrace, followed by a loving kiss. As she stowed her phone away in her purse, she gazed up at me, radiating happiness.

"This is perfect," I remarked, savoring the ambiance. "I love the vibe. It's simple, yet it's unmistakably me. Thank you, amor. I love you."

"Of course. I love you more, babe," Jenn responded with an affectionate smile.

We headed to our seats and settled the kids, making sure they had their food. Afterward, I took the opportunity to mingle and reconnect with friends and family, catching up with everyone after an hour of engaging conversations.

Jennifer, my partner, asked for the microphone, gathering everyone's attention. She had a chair set up at the center of the dance floor, and I couldn't resist being intrigued by her grand announcement.

"Could I have everyone join us on the dance floor, please?" Jennifer's voice resonated through the microphone.

People converged around the microphone, and I made my way to the center, my curiosity piqued. Jennifer stood there, a vision of beauty, flanked by her dancers. She gently seated me in the chair, and then, her sensual dance began to the sultry beats of "Thong Song." Mesmerized, I watched her every move. Her hips swayed gracefully, and she came tantalizingly close, her back turned as she sensually moved against me. I was captivated by her beauty and grace. She dropped to her knees, gazing at me with a seductive intensity. I couldn't help but feel a rush of desire. With a smirk, I continued watching as she completed her electrifying performance.

As she finished, I pulled her close, and our lips met in a passionate kiss. Our connection was undeniable.

"You're so sexy.. fuck... wow...that dance, babe," I whispered in her ear, my desire evident.

"That's all for you, daddy," Jenn moaned softly as I squeezed her ass. She then led me onto the dance floor, where others joined us. We danced for three songs before returning to our seats.

"Hello, Ben, happy birthday, handsome," Gwyneth greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

Jenn watched, a protective gaze in her eyes, and she reached for my hand.

"Thank you," I smiled, briefly moving my hand away from Jenn and wrapping my arm around her. I planted a kiss on her head.

"Did you mention wanting some food?" I askedd.

"Mhm," Jenn nodded, sealing it with a loving kiss, right in front of Gwyneth. In the corner of my eye, I noticed Gwyneth's departure, wearing an annoyed expression.

"You're my handsome, no one calls my man handsome except for me," Jenn declared as Gwyneth walked away.

"Yes, baby. Only you," I assured her, grinning as we made our way to the snack table, Jenn clinging to my arm. I gazed at her with adoration, marveling at her effortless beauty.The song "My Girl" played, and I couldn't help but think of my beloved Jenny.

"Myyyyy giiirrlll, talking 'bout my girl!" We both sang and sealed it with a kiss, laughter bubbling between us.

"You're so beautiful, mama," I told her, and she blushed.

"You're just saying that to make up for that rude woman," she teased.

"No, babe, I mean it. I love you," I reassured her.

We returned to our table just in time as the servers presented our meals. Jenn enjoyed steak and potatoes, while I opted for the chicken Alfredo pasta.

"Can I try some...?" Jenn gave me puppy-dog eyes as she held her fork, poised to steal a bite of my pasta. I consented, and she sampled my dish."May I have a piece of your steak?" I asked, and she playfully shook her head. "Mine and the baby's," she declared, taking another bite of my food. Nevertheless, I managed to sneak a piece of her steak, which earned a mock scolding.

"I'll make it up to you tonight," I whispered, my hand briefly grazing her as no one watched. Jenn blushed and clung to my arm, accepting my affection. We shared a kiss, and I continued enjoying my meal.

Once we had finished, we returned to the dance floor. "I Hope You Dance" played, and it seemed to resonate deeply with Jenn. Our friends Cy and Max joined us as we embraced in a group hug, swaying to the music. I danced with Cy, while Jennifer danced with Max.

"I'll always love you both so much, and I never want you to grow up... even though I know you'll become butterflies someday, you'll always be my babies," Jenn said as she wiped away her tears.

"I love you guys too," I beamed, kissing the kids' heads as we continued to dance.

"Love you too, Dad. I'm glad you're having a great birthday... watching you be happy with Mom makes us happy too," Cy shared, smiling.

I planted another kiss on their heads as we danced. The song ended, and we gathered for a family photo, holding Jenn close as our photographer captured this precious moment of our memorable night.

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