Love after the party|Chapter 83 (M)

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[You all better wear earphones while reading and enjoy with the playlist for good experience

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[You all better wear earphones while reading and enjoy with the playlist for good experience.]

"So Mr. Kim Taehyung and Dr. Jeon Jungkook. When did you start dating each other? And how did you meet?" The first question was aimed at the couple as they were standing in front of several mics on a stage with reports surrounding them.

Taehyung gulped a little and looked at the brunette who nodded and tightened his hold on his hand. "Well, we met in the early September. I don't know the exact date, but he was appointed as my personal doctor and I really had no interest to see someone."

"Why do you need a Psychiatrist? Do you have any mental illness Mr. Kim?" One more question was aimed.

"We can say that. I had PTDS, since childhood. When my mother left the world, I was all alone. That affected my mental health. Dad was with me of course, but couldn't make enough time for me. I used to hate him for this, but I understand him now. He had his own reasons. We are good now. I am thankful to my father for taking care of me." Taehyung replied.

"Ok, but what about your Late fiance; model Koo Eun-he?" A reporter asked.

"Yes. It has not been even four months of her death. Don't you feel bad about it? How did you move on so easily and so soon? Wasn't it hard? Did you really love her?" An offensive question like this was aimed at the blonde who gripped Jungkook's hand and tried to stand confidently. He knew such a question will be asked to him.

"I also suffered from anxiety, Schizophrenia and depression when my fiance died in an accident. She was the only one next to me. She was the one with me when I felt left alone in the world, and once she was gone, I got insane. I might have done something wrong if father had not appointed Dr. Jeon to treat me. The day he arrived in my life, I changed completely.
I used to love Eun-he. It was not fake. People always rise this topic. They may hate me by not knowing my side story. But it doesn't change how I actually am in reality. I know what she meant to me. I know, how she supported me and gained my love and respect. The place that I had in my heart for her will always belong to her." He paused, "And sure, moving on was not easy. For several days, I kept myself locked inside my room. I was broken and lost. I was kept under treatment and medication. Thanks to Dr. Jeon, who took care of me. Not like a doctor, but as a friend. A person that I needed to be on my side in the harsh period of my life. I had also lost the wish to survive. He was the one to teach me, how precious one's life is. I was a man to survive for others and carve for love, but that day; I learnt to live for myself and love myself. I learnt that dying for someone can never give you peace or happiness. If a person is gone, let them go. There is nothing to keep them bounded. The dead souls need to rest in peace. And I let her go." He added, "Eun-he was an angel in a human form. I will never forget what she did for me. But for now, I am with my boyfriend. The one who saved my life, treated me and made me a better person. He and Eun-he are two different persons with opposite gender too. I never knew I will fall for a man. I realised my sexuality by staying close to him. I fell for his personality, his kind nature, his generosity and everything. He is the purest soul whom I can never compare with anyone. Not even with Eun-he." He lifted his gaze next to him and stared at the brunette with heart eyes who was already looking at him the same way.

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