Jin-shooked? |Chapter 59

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Just an emotional chapter with some spicy comedy.

The pretty males shared a very warm moment together in each other's embrace, admiring the silly, erotic yet very attractive art they had made

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The pretty males shared a very warm moment together in each other's embrace, admiring the silly, erotic yet very attractive art they had made. Taehyung was sitting on the floor, resting his beck on bed, one leg folded and other widen open with the brunette in between both of his legs. The brunette's head was resting on his upper chest and shoulder and beck touched his abdomen. Blonde's one hand was resting on the knee of the folded leg and other was caressing the younger's chocolate brown hair. They examined every details of their arts and discussed. They also made some corrections in them wherever needed.

"This one needs to be shaded a little more. It will highlight better." Taehyung ran his finger over the charcoal drawing which represented him with the lewd expression. The sketch needed to be darker from te left side as the light reflections were coming from right side.

"Oh.....like this?" Jungkook asked and rubbed his charcoal covered index finger to smudge the dark powder on the said part.

"Yeah. That's perfect now. It actually looks like some black and white picture from vintage era. How come are you so good in sketching?" Taehyung asked wondering about the younger's talent.

"Its not that good Tae. It was not perfect untill you guided me and improved my mistakes. I am not as experienced as you. You are really great in it." Jungkook replied still feeling the older's long fingers stroking his hair.

"Might be. But I am very surprised and impressed as you made one for me. You know? This is for the first time when someone drew me." Taehyung disclosed.

"Oh......really? My god. Than it should have been something special not an erotic art." Jungkook flashed red with embarrassment. "You must not have expected that."

Taehyung laughed and replied, "Its really nothing like that Kook. I am glad. There are no flaws in it. I am glad you portrayed me the way you see me. And yeah, this was unexpected."

"I wanted to portray you on my sheets the way I see you." Jungkook started speaking. "I wanted to show you how beautiful you look in my eyes. I wanted you to give you my vision, my point of view. They way you always do to me.
I never knew I was this beautiful until I saw myself in the arts created by you. All of them are just wow. I love them and want to make yours too, the way you made for me."

"So you wanna draw me more?" Taehyung asked smiling a little.

"Yeah......more like paint you.....like those French girls?" Jungkook replied as his eyes raised up to look at the older, whose breath was fanning on his right shoulder. The older gulped down nervously as he wetted his lower lip with a coat of saliva and continued looking into the younger's eyes.

"Like them?" He asked, voice nearly whispering in the brunette's ear.

"Yeah...like them. Just for our personal collection, that can be seen by just your and me...." Jungkook raised his dirty black hand not caring about the black power sticking on the skin and caressed the older's right cheek with the same stained fingers leaving marks on his warm face. The older too didn't seem to care about it as he was already dirty with paint, plus all he cared about was the younger male. He was ok with whatever he did. He leaned more in the stained hand and closed his eyes.

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